This is the post where I first come up with the term "a real Vegan thing".

Dec 03, 2012 19:28

Having worked in sales for a little while now, "a little" while being the context of world history and rather longer in calendar years than I care to mention, I have seen an ever increasing amount of American based sales techniques coming into play. Some of these are good, some are weird (I'm sorry, but standing in a huddle chanting my company's name at 7am does a lot less to motivate me than allowing me to sleep for a few extra hours and start at 10am) and some, well just don't work for me.

Case in point with ones that don't work for me. We are often encouraged to refer to the customer by name during our interaction these days. I see they are pushing to personalise the sales process, but really dropping the customer's name again and again is not something I am confident doing. I'm not sure if that is because I hate having sales people do it to me, or if I hate them doing it because I don't do it. It's a real chicken and egg dislike thing...or, perhaps I hate both, in which case it is a real Vegan thing! *GRIN*.

One company I worked for even referred to it as "the sweetest sound a customer can hear". Eh, yeah, right, I think "Free" would sound sweeter to them, but heck, maybe I know nothing so, have a poll....

*Please note I forgot to bold the word uncomfortable in this poll and it is kind of an important distinction, so please pretend it is bolded. Thanks :).

0 means you like it/are fine with it.

5 means you are not bothered either way, or it depends on the salesperson.

10 means it creeps you out big time, or annoys the stuff that should be flushed down the toilet out of you.

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