Apparently I do still fan things other than beer now, who knew?

May 25, 2011 14:40

Guys, hey guys who are Dreamwidth savvy: if I set my DW to also crosspost to this journal, can I still write journal entries in here (that aren't on DW) or does that cause out-of-cheese errors and/or the Rapture? STILL trying to sort out what the hell I'm going to do with all my blog-things now that I have absolutely no time to maintain three different purposes. Conglomeration is the way of things, but there while I don't mind DW-purposed items also appearing here, I don't want LJ-purposed things going to DW, so I can't just forge a superbeast and syndicate it to your mum everywhere. MY LIFE. SO HARD.

Speaking of LJ-purposed stuff:
  • Game of Thrones. We're watching it. One of Mr Dee's geek crew (aka his D&D party) foisted it on us, and we protested mightily, as I'm sure you can imagine. We've watched the first four episodes now, and are pretty damn happy. The first episode, in particular, I felt like I could have recited along with it, it was that close to the book (a favourite of mine since about thirty seconds after I bought it back in 1997). I mean, Tyrion is perfect, and Arya is magnificent, and obviously Bean was going to be splendid, no questions about it.

    The surprise winner for me is Jaime (who also, THANK GOD that's finally put to rest my 10yrs+ conundrum about how to pronounce his name, ffs Martin, couldn't you just put the vowels in more logical places?). Anyway, I'm not sure if it's because I know how he develops and changes, but he seems far more ambiguous off the bat on telly than he did in print. Maybe (I've been pondering) it's a format thing, because with television, really only one thing can be happening at a time, and maybe all of these interesting moments of Jaime-depth were happening in the book as well, it's just that I was paying attention to the other things happening in and around that sentence. Anyway, I am loving every moment he is on screen, so pants off all round on that.

    Another big win? The condensing of Daenerys's story line. I'm sorry, Dany-lovers, but her storyline has always BORED ME STUPID. But it's more interesting to watch, and Jorah is somehow much more interesting on telly than on the page. She's still just so far from the action, though. This has always been the one big flaw of this series: everything else is so tightly intertwined, and then there's Dany, over there, FROLICKING IN THE FUCKING GRASS WITH HER GIANT REPTILES whatever.

  • An awesome friend of an awesome friend sicced me onto Dorothy Dunnett's Lymond Chronicles, and I'm about a third of the way into the first one. It is so elegant and clever it's almost stylised, and I'm having trouble finding the rhythm of it, but it's so elegant and clever, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Also: Lymond/Will, I ship it hard in all its daddy-issued, criminally depraved, one-up-man-ship glory. Yep.
  • There seems a high likelihood I might actually do something precipitous like, oh, idk, join Thor fandom, if I ever manage to find the time to trawl for actually interesting fic comms (and/or decide what I want this burgeoning fic I seem to drafting to be, apart from an elegy to the voyeurism-kink potential of Heimdall). So if anyone wanted to hook me up in that direction, that would be counted as first-class facilitation there. You get a badge for that in the special fangirl hell, you know.
  • In the last of the beer-nerdery news, we made it over to Josie Bones last week. (Aussies: remember s1 Masterchef? The guy with the hat and the beer? Yes, that Chris Badenoch.) It was amaaaaaazing (pumpkin and raclette gratin, om nom) and they had the Moon Dog Black Lung, which was almost closer to bourbon than beer. Madness and genius, which is basically just a synonym for "Moon Dog brewers". ♥

beer, snark:game of thrones

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