Stuff and/or nonsense

Nov 29, 2010 15:03

ONE) Lost Girl. I've started watching this because I have this Pavlovian reaction when airgiodslv gets really excited about a world (not characters, because she and I hit and miss on that all the time, which adds spice to our relationship, but worlds? If she digs it, I am there). In a weird turn of events, I laid it out honestly for the Male, and he said, "...yeah ok, I'll watch." We watched the first two eps together, and since then every (thoughtful and fully reasoned) comment he's made has just made me more depressed about the respective quality of his version, and the actual show.

  1. The Male pointed out a good reliance in Bo on her abilities - she tends to just assume she can charm her way through everything, because she always has. This makes solid sense. However, it doesn't stop me being totally irritated with her and wanting her to be smarter; I would accept the development of this as part of a character arc, now that she's in a world where she's not the only Big Zany, but I have no confidence in the show doing it.
  2. I love Kenzi. LOVE HER. She is the redeeming feature like she's the Dean to Bo's Sam, yo.
  3. I love Kenzi and Bo being instant-sisters. I honestly do. That relationship is great and really well done. What I do not love, however, is that Bo does nothing for Kenzi. Kenzi throws herself into the relationship, helps Bo out with her stuff, puts herself on the line in a world where everyone outguns her, and Bo? Bo says, "You make me want to be a better fae." For one, what the fuck does that even mean?! For two, GOD BO, it's NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. Alas that I also have no confidence in the show calling Bo on her self-entitlement bullshit, though I will be DELIGHTED if it proves me wrong.
  4. I also love Dyson. I think the actor's doing a great job with complex emotions and clashing motivations, while maintaining a solid alpha-male front. Of course, it helps that he's being written interesting emotions and motivations. Were they really wanting to write a show about a werewolf cop and someone told them they'd only get the money if there was a female lead?
  5. On the flipside, the Doctor. I actually love her too. There's the bit where the Fury expires on her examination table, and OH I FELT FOR HER. It's a very restrained character, and not being done any connection-with-audience favours in the paucity of scenes in which she's involved, but I am keen to see more of her.
  6. I really like how good (thus far) this show has been at having creatures obeying their laws. Supernatural, I am LOOKING AT YOU POINTEDLY HERE.

TWO) My Chemical Romance. I really, really wish I liked Danger Days. I want to! I love the whole schtick: the Saturday-morning-cartoon-version-of-Mad-Max world, the costumes, the mythos, Gerard's hair... It's ace. I've been watching videos from that MTV concert thingy (over here) and so pretty and charming energy. And look, Na Na Na and Planetary (Go!) and the other one, I can't remember the name, are really catchy little tunes. But good lord, there's so much of that eighties-metal ballady boring stuff. My feelings - yours, obviously, may vary and that is awesome, and I honestly do wish I could share them.

TWO POINT FIVE) On bandom helplessness: so Cobra are touring Australia with Maroon 5 next year. GODDAMMIT. Because they're playing arena gigs, and that's slightly more money than I am willing to fork out even to laugh at Gabe Saporta (and I am willing to fork out an embarrassing amount to laugh at Gabe Saporta). Clearly I'm going to have to Grooveshark some M5 to see if I can find something in there to tip me over the line.

THREE) Good lord, my weekend. The Roller Derby final was magnificently awesome, and obviously leads to musings on how "Thrilliam" is actually an awesome Derby name, and where's that bandom AU, guys? ( seriously.) There was also Burlesque (watching, not performing) which is a whole other world of amazing stockings and codenames.

FOUR) How have I not seen HP7.1 yet? (...possibly see #3 for answer.)

snark:lost girl, music

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