...& a happy new year

Jan 02, 2010 14:33

I'm back.

But I've been promised beach cricket tomorrow and a dear friend's had his baby (ok, his wife's baby) about a month early and we're going over to help them today and then on Monday I am returned to my regular work mayhem, so who really knows if I'm back or not. I can't even figure it out, but then again I'm a little light-headed from pain because apparently I decided to sleep so crazily on my neck last night that I was woken up at 6am by the fact that I couldn't move. (Get the Male to give you a neck rub, an internet acquaintance suggested. Neck rub?? said I. You must be joking. We play rough in this house. The Male performed a number of moves on me that I believe are banned by the Geneva Convention unless you're a physio, and I can now at least move a little. I may also be bruised tomorrow, but I hope not, because he's going to have to do them all again.)

Christmas was fine. My grandmother's leg is getting better, but my grandfather's alzheimer's is getting worse and I don't really want to talk about any of it.

The Male and I got engaged. Everyone seems quite happy about this, though I fail to see the difference when we've been living together for something like five years now. (I don't have a ring. I don't wear rings. He knows that. I have a very nice necklace made from an Austrian ducat that was his grandmother's, and I told him to buy me upgrades for the House if he really wants to spend a few thousand dollars on me. Diamonds are all very nice, but French windows last until some drunken bum puts their foot through them.)

I also went to see Sherlock Holmes, which was pretty delightful, even if Mark Strong was amazingly wasted in a part that was apparently written for Christopher Lee. It could pretty easily become a fandom interest - not just because of the slash potential they keep belting us over the head with, but because I also love the female characters. Especially Mary. Anyway, I'll rewatch and consider. I'm so frigging busy at the moment, what with two jobs, one active fandom, an RPG, a novel I'm trying to write and another I'm failing to sell. Holmes, I love you and your prickly drug-taking ways, but I love sleep more.

Even if it does leave me crippled. Motherfucking OW.
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