Boralos update

Jul 02, 2007 17:08

Planning over, and fortnight of chaos over, I'm back into it. The final third of the novel is fully plotted, chapter-by-chapter, and I'm very satisfied with the way it's all come together (at least in plan...). Final chapter count, assuming I don't run over (like I did in the middle section), will be 47. I'm aiming for 120,000 words, and given my average chapter wordcount, should be right on track for that and some change.

Actual writing began properly yesterday - rebirth of the writing trio at delirieuse's very spiffy new abode. Amidst chaos and strange adventures in orcs and much beating my head against hard things like the table and the logistics of my fictional kingdom, I laid down 786 words. Not too shabby.

Today, qthelights came over for solidarity in company and tea, and we settled in for a working afternoon. Very productive! I managed 1648 words, including little notes to myself like "You needed to deal with this earlier" and "What's his surname again?" (In my defense on the latter point, in the society I've created, titles are used in lieu of surnames, which are only used at arch-formal occasions.)

Since I now have a projected total, I thought I'd whip one of these up for my own gratification!

84,670 / 120,000


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