
Jun 24, 2007 13:58

Last night, at rather short notice, the Male and I went to an Orisha gig in Northcote. It was, actually, more of a solo venture - Emah and her keyboard and a Mac in support on some new tracks. Which made for a great experience. The new stuff was great. (We're all dying for the new album.) And the older stuff, stripped back, was truly haunting. "Down", especially, was absolutely beautiful.

And so I returned home renewedly full of the joys of Emah's music, and bewildered as to why I hadn't plugged it in a more general sense before. Maybe I have and I've forgotten. I honestly don't think I can rave too much about it, though. And so...

Spotlight on:
Down, from the Down EP. Described by the lady herself as a "hymn to self-loathing", I'd call it more a "I hate myself for doing this, but I can't help it", and God knows fandom isn't at all into that sort of thing... *G*I don't know what I want or what I need or what you want or what you need;
but what I wouldn't give to feel you over me now.
I feel filthy and naive.
Why can't I keep myself clean; pristine?

As well as: from their debut album...
Slipping. Their first single as well, I'm pretty sure, and still an absolutely excellent song. Layered and twisting and gorgeous. (The filmclip's up on their MySpace, which was the link up the top.)but I am barely in love...

Diversion. Second single? Received some solid Triple J rotation a few years back, anyway. Emah opened with it last night, and the silences (filled in the album version with drum'n'bass) were stark.he said is this your ideal? is this what you've been dying for?
you want less and less of love, but you grasp for more and more

The Beginning Place. Another one that Emah did solo, which was really very haunting. In the album version, her soaring chorus is backed by beats and noise; solo, it hung by itself.in this present incarnation we are far too young to
far too young to
far too young to choose which road to take.
and I want you.

I also once wrote fic to an Orish song. Surface, a black-as-my-heart Harry/Draco, was inspired partly by the song of the same name, which was available for download with the fic. I've renewed the download.

And what I'd particularly like to ask is that those of you with Last.FM listen and maybe go to the Last pictures page for Orisha and vote, because some fan of a (I think?) South American band of the same name keeps uploading aggravatingly generic pictures for the band and Emah is so much prettier. *g* (I wouldn't mind so much if this fan would submit a blurb for that band as well.)

Anyway, she's playing a gig at Loop bar in the CBD in a couple of weeks time as well, so anyone in Melbourne who likes what they hear, let me know and we'll descend en masse to lend support.

PS: Apparently communication of gigs takes place mostly through MySpace and email, so I signed up for the mailing list. And St Lisa? I signed you up too. *g*


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