Some of us have to work, you know

Apr 17, 2006 14:53

So, the Patron Saint of Working on Public Holidays was looking out for me today. I staggered in to discover that actually, I didn't have to open for another hour, so I went to Hudson's and inhaled a flat white beige while roughing out the bunny that crawled, fully formed, into my head as I tried to sleep last night. (It's SPN+ RPS; yes, it's Mayhem; yes, it involves porn; yes, it might actually be enough to satisfy even me if I manage to pull it off.)

As if that wasn't enough to be joyful for, there were no - count 'em: NO - stupid idiot customers. There was a charming German man who spoke about as much English as I speak Deutsch, but we communicated just fine, if with much sign-language and laughter. AND there was the hottest guy I've seen all week (but hey, it's SPN night tonight) who slouched around for a good twenty minutes in his raggedy jeans and black t-shirt with his hair in his face, before falling over the counter and saying, "Ugh, too tired to think!"

I offered my thanks to the Patrion Saint, yea verily I did.

In other news:
- I'm reading Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, finally, and I must say I'm actually rather disappointed. I'm about 300 pages in, and it's dull. Oh, quite delightful and scarcely a page goes by without some phrase or other tickling my fancy, but absolutely nothing interesting is happening, except the faerie goings-on, and frankly, the wide-eyed sense of wonder seems a little bit put-on for me. I am not really enjoying it. It's particularly bothersome when the most recent KJ Parker (for those just tuning in, a GENIUS author and one of my favourites in the world, I cannot rave strongly enough) Devices and Desires is sitting on the shelf, waiting for me to pick it up. But I am somewhat determined to slog through, if only to see whether Clark does manage to pull this limping lot together into something that justifies the longth.

- The Male went to see the Mountain Goats in concert last week, and he was really rather impressed. It helped that the lead singer was apparently utterly delighted with everything about the gig, from the size of the crowd (750), to the fact people knew the songs ("You guys are awesome!" he declared two lines into the first song, when everyone was singing along), to the beer (there's a beer in Australia called Mountain Goat; true story). Anyway, so impressed were he that he went out and bought an album, and has been foisting it upon me since. They're pretty good.

Everybody else probably already knows this, but in any case, there is one song that I really like. I thought I'd share:
"Dilaudid" - Mountain Goats (Megaupload link - 2MB)

It's two minutes of raw intensity and almost vicious cellos. Trying to explain this, while somewhat drunk, I described it as "if Brian Molko was American and really meant it, and was arguing with Rasputina". Which doesn't make much sense, but hopefully conveys somewhat that the song is AWESOME.

- bexone and I have sorted out the story of Sam's powers. You heard it here (well, there) first.
- and it's SPN night tonight - another double of new + repeat - but due to bizarre extended family reunions with the OutLaws, I shan't get to see it. Shall bloody well be taping it, though, and fear not: the Male and I will sit down to watch it sometime, and enlighten you all as to our version of events. *G*
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