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Mar 29, 2006 07:46

Last night I got special members tickets (free!) to a preview screening of Inside Man. Isn't the world wonderful when it gives me free Coke, popcorn and Clive Owen?

And the movie was, actually, rather good. In the large-scale, it was competent (though a little clunky with the delivery of plot) and interesting. In the small-scale, it was a neverending stream of moments of brilliance. A bizarrely melodramatic OST, but every bead of story came with a sheen of hilarious WTF.

Clive Owen: marvellous, of course. It's Clive. An interesting role for him in that he was utterly calm and collected for the entire time, and mostly I dig him for the seething anger. But he was AWESOME.
Denzel: really quite good. A standard role for him, but with more sass for piquancy.
Jodie Foster: at one point the mayor of New York calls her "a magnificent cunt". She is awesome.

Double thumbs up. I'd even pay money to see it.


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