I'm going to take this cake and stick it down my pants

Mar 27, 2006 13:00

To bring us up to date:
- Friday afternoon. Had sequence of blistering chats that all came to an abrupt halt when I got invaded. Am sad about this, as I think maybe I could have exploded navia's brain, though probably at the cost of my own sanity also. Unwell.
- Saturday. Went to girloftheq's and was rather antisocial while putting the finishing touches to the Mayhem with Brenda. But just being in the same room as Amy for an afternoon was nice. I like my girl. Rather sick.
- Saturday night. Went to the not-quite-in-laws (outlaws? *G*) for dinner. Watched bits of Commonwealth games, including netball and pole-vaulting (which I said I would dearly love to try, due to my love of falling, and Mama Male said she thought I was a litte odd). Still rather sick.
- Sunday. Caught up on stuff that had languished due to illness. Had the creepiest song in the history of creep inflicted upon me (*points to music*), prompting thoughts of making a creepy mix CD. Watched the entirety of TropFest, since we were unable to see it at the time. Coughed up a lung.
- Monday. Had to go to work. Called out a hit on my bastard workmates around until I found someone who could come in and take over and stop me coughing on the customers. Went to the doctor. Was told, in thirty seconds, that it was a cold, nothing to be done. Paid $45 for this privilege. Went and bought Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in vindictive something-or-other.
- Monday afternoon. Took to bed with laptop in attempt to write: 1) Sam punches people fic; 2) further Mayhem; 3) SPN: the Next Generation fic; 4) failing all else, my novel.
ETA: Also, read my remix, in which someone takes my "Mortified" and puts it into Hellblazer canon, and makes it all awesome. Bloody brilliant.
- Monday night. Ultraviolence and Irish with the Male's masseuse. This may or may not involve missing Supernatural, so my summary may or may not be a day or two late.

OK, so that was a little eager on the whole "up to date" business, but there's no harm in getting ahead.
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