One of the things that continues to boggle me is how stymied people are by the combination of gluten intolerance and dairy intolerance.
They look at me, and earnestly go, "Wow, that must be so hard!"
I refrain from rolling my eyes, because I used to share their opinion, and they are somewhat right. So much food either has flour or milk in it. All the cheap restaurant food, especially.
People who aren't used to cooking with those intolerances in mind tend to get all caught up in the do's and don'ts and kind of miss the obvious. I used to do this too -- look first for flour or dairy "replacements" rather than just making something that doesn't need those things. There are so many great foods like that, is the thing, and they are even pretty common, but we kind of overlook them.
Take desserts. There are a very limited number I can usually order when I'm out. This isn't a major issue, as I'm not a huge dessert fan anyway. But this is just a failure of imagination on the part of restaurants, not something that's actually difficult.
For instance, today I felt a craving for something sweet and fruity and high fat, like apple pie and cream. Given that my eating philosophy is now, "I can have whatever I want, whenever I want it," I figured I'd do something about this at some point. I then proceeded to nap for most of the day, which was blissful ;) When I finally woke up, I couldn't be bothered making pie, or even crumble. I did stew some plums, though -- I love stewed plums.
But what of the cream, right? I must have had to eat those plums plain, or do something really special to replace the cream!
Yeah. I opened a tin a coconut cream and dolloped some onto the fruit.
It was fantastic. NOM NOM NOM.
Coconut cream actually tastes better than regular cream with quite a few things, like sautéed bananas. It tastes great with gluten-free Christmas cake, pie, crumble, pasta dishes that require cream, and many other things. I haven't yet tried mixing it with icing sugar and using it to ice stuff (I don't eat icing very much), but I bet it tastes great that way too.
The humble coconut = awesome.
And now I think I might go and have seconds.
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