
Aug 22, 2008 23:19

the last two days has been pretty crazy.  i broke up with zach on wednesday night.  its hard, but we're still talking and i hope he and i can still be friends.  yesterday was my sister's bday.  i was still sad about things with zach but i tried putting it aside for her birthday.  but then, she ended up getting upset about something.  anyhooo, i drank like four glasses of wine last night when two usually gets me pretty hammered.  i accidently made a myspace.  whoops.  today was interesting.  couldn't seem to stop crying this morning.  not because of zach.  because im pretty sure ive developed sever depression.  ive been showing some signs it was just worse than normal this morning.  i had that 'i dont want to do anything, i don't want to go anywhere, and i don't want to see anyone' sort of attitude.  but, i had to drop by my mom's office to talk to her about it.  she and i agreed some counseling and possibly medication might help.  anyways i came home and just sort of hung out in my room until the time i had to get ready to leave for my job training.  it went well.  im schedule for 24 hours this week i think?  and classes start tuesday.  there was an orange dress there that im in love with.  but not until i get paid.


if youre interested. 
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