(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 20:04

bleh im sick!!!  it sucks.  i can't remember the lat time i was sick.  anyways i woke up with a flem-y throat and felt fine, and i washed my car and everything and finally i just got suddenly tired and cold and the passageway from my nose to throat KILLED.  so no fun, especially since i really wanted to get back into exercising today/this week.  oh well, i guess i just felt like complaining.  i think i may be depressed.  im 5"4, 105 lbs, and i think i'm fat....i know its not healthy that i think that way but i can't seem to get myself to think otherwise.

school starts on monday...well, tuesday because im only taking tues/thurs classes.  i'm taking international relations, psychology of human sexuality, and women's studies.  i procrastinated in signing up for classes so im stuck with some bs electives.  i wanted to take english 122, astronomy, and interpersonal communications, but i learned my lesson.

ummm, i start training at new york and company friday night!!!  so i have a job finally!  but i owe my parents a lot of money so....itll be a while before i have too much leisure spending money.  anyways, things are looking up i guess.

yeah, i guess those are the major interesting points of my life right now.  i hope i feel better soon :(  my tummy hurts cuz i ate way too much dinner.
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