People be crazy....

Jun 16, 2009 20:09

and silly!  My 5pm mens cut asked me to give him the "Larry Cut" from the 'The 3 Stooges' and he was serious. Ask and ye shall receive!

At times in my career thus far, I have had to re-direct people io make a different choice if they ask for something that isn't best for them or their hair.  Honesty is best when it comes to the hair folks. Once it's gone, it's gone for a while.

I will do ALMOST anything someone asks of me when it comes to haircuts if I know they mean business. He meant business, and had me laughing the entire time.  Of course he's coming back in on Thursday to shave it off completely, but in the mean time, he thought he'd do something fun before his "summer cut" aka the cue-ball aka shave that shit off.

It's people like this who make me love what I do even more.


I've been making an effort to update more often, even if it's random crap like this.

On another random note, it's fucking hot outside. Kinda hate it, not going to lie. I've lived in TX all my life and I swear, it gets hotter every summer! Sno-cones are a MUST this weekend or I'll freak out. (I didn't get my sno-cone fix last summer)

Is it August yet?

clients, the heat

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