woe woe woe

Feb 11, 2010 15:18

Hey guys, just wanted to tell you that I'm working on a shit ton of tees for teen boys (and maybe some girls) and I'm having the WORST time centering the designs. I look at them in bodyshop and they look about right but then I put them on a sim and it's like "oh hai I'm waaaaaaaay too far left! hope that's okay with you :D" and I'm sitting there going "NO IT'S NOT ALRIGHT WITH ME!"
BUT! I will persevere and work harder because quitters never win anything but low self esteem! Just to show you the ones that came out pretty good:

Cloudswing - a fullbleed design

8-bit Dino

Grabbin Peelz

L4D logo

8-Bit Megaman

MOUSTACHIO! This one isn't quite right, it's too far to the right and I :('d because I had to take two different pictures to put it together and now I gotta do it all over again.

So yeah, I'm still working on them because I got a WHOLE bunch of designs from FPSBanana, I'm hoping to make some collections like for L4D/L4D2, Team Fortress 2 and then I got a whole bunch for SCIENCE! Just wanted to show you what I've been up to and all that jazz.


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