Aug 16, 2011 17:02
So, I'm back from my trip to Finland! It was a blast, and I'm so glad I went, and the people were just lovely. I think there was more closeness between the people at Bostonmoot, but that could have because it was a smaller place, only ONE place, and there were more people? I'm not sure. In Boston we were all in one apartment, in Finland there were two groups. But in any case, I wouldn't trade any of them for the world, love them all.
We went to several interesting places, among them Tallinn, Estonia (Cultural Capital of Europe 2011) and Suomenlinna, the sea fortress. Tallinn was gorgeous, and had a lot of churches. Suomenlinna had a lot of cannons. There are pictures all over Facebook, but since my camera was crap I didn't personally get to take any. Stupid ten dollar digital camera. Oh well. You get what you pay for, I guess.
We made a band over there, some of us - Die Kunst der Wurst. Our single is on Facebook. :P I'm Kinderwurst.
Um, what else. I'm a little worried about keeping my job - the semester has just started and between class and rehearsal (which hasn't started yet, but will eventually), I won't be able to work very many hours at all. And my availability hasn't gone in yet because the site was down and then I went to Finland for two weeks. But that's the only bad spot, currently.
I'm going to Nebraska at the end of the month to see Kayla, Philip, and a roadtripping Laura. I will be bringing them presents from the Finlandmooters. Whee.
Hmm. Europe has really hot men. I didn't actually talk to any, but it was fun to look.
I've been thinking of moving once I graduate. Like actually moving, moving, like to one of the edges of the continent. Matt is moving to California when this semester is over. I've been thinking about Boston, or maybe Seattle. I've realized, one of the things I've been looking for in a possible new location is "are any of my online friends going to be there?" And this isn't really a bad thing, I think. It's always good to have people you know at a new place.