Newsletter #134

May 08, 2009 23:13

+ - American Idol winners pushing for spot on Twilight: New Moon soundtrack?
+ - 'Twilight' publisher releasing new titles tied to the franchise
+ Twilight Poison - Great New Interview with Rob and Kristen for Spanish magazine, scans and translation

Discussion & Community Activities:
lion_lamb: ebalways asks Why Do You Love Edward Cullen? [POLL]
lion_lamb: eimajunknown asks Makes a Twilight version of Monopoly the board game.
lion_lamb: ebalways asks Why do you love Bella Swan? [POLL]
lion_lamb: rachel_laine posts my sociology paper on Edward/Twilight

vampire_skies wrote The Art of Being Bella (6/?) [ M l AU-AH ]
dictums wrote Obsession is a Four Letter Word (3/?) [ M l AU-AH ]
the_glory_days wrote Alphabet Weekends (13/?) [ NC17/M l AU-AH ]
lindsiloolabell wrote Something for the Weekend (1/?) [ M/R ]
il_mio_cantante wrote Left Holding the Bag (4/?) [ M l AU-AH ]
meimei42 wrote Disintegration (9/?) [ M l AU-AH ]
0holdonlove wrote Relief (1?) [ M l AH ]
jacyevans wrote A Madman's Mercy (4/?) [ NC17 l AU ]
ordinary & melas_2ndsoul wrote Neverlost (prologue) [ M ]
azulskies wrote Ambulance Blues (5/?) [ M l AU-AH ]
petitebelette wrote Secrets in the Dark (1/?) [ M l AU-AH ]
Whispershadow44 wrote Always Alone (1/?) [ M ]
onebrightgirl wrote Seven Days is only a Week (8/?) [ M ]
cullenhale wrote Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (1/1) [ T ]
tinaababy wrote Where It Takes (12/?) [ T l AU-AH ]
n7of9 wrote For the Love of Bella (2/?) [ M l AU ]

excape_07 made headers
mividaloca99 made manips
estherthomas made wallpapers
fabi7 made icons
wecrash made icons, banners, headers & wallpapers
angieswenson made icons, banners, manips & posters
xiggy89x made icons and wallpapers
ellashy made manips
zimona made icons
hopeitallaway made icons
mayhemonte made manips

girlwithapearlx created a fanmix
bexi21 created a fanmix
angdelia created a fanvid [DREAM TEAM]

This is not everything in fandom. If you think something has been missed, please reply here and it will be included with the next update.
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