sundays are goooooood

Dec 19, 2004 10:43

Well, another week starts. I'm glad to be rid of last week. And I've started a new thing in my life, getting up REALLY early!! Even on weekends! But this resulted in my going to bed at 8pm on saturday nite. And all I can ponder is "what has happened to the one they called "Nick at Nite" ??? Has he been cast away, and thrown out like an old 50's pulp paperback??? I mean..I want him back!! I LONG for the days when 10 people would crash my house after bars end, and spill endless amounts of liquer on my brick tiled' floor....but alas, that is me no more...

...Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...

anyways, yes a fresh new year is approaching, and with it the thought of new memories'.... I for one look forward to it.
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