Russian Lisa E

Jan 10, 2011 00:10

One of my favorite House MD websites,, discussed Lisa E's acceptance speech at the PCAs this year. It's all in Russian which I unfortunately can't read. I can just about decipher the Cyrillic letters, with a lot of effort. but that's it. In the Сериал "Доктор Хауз" унес все награды на People Choice Awards! post, the author tried to ( Read more... )

huddy, lisa e, cyrillic, russian, house

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Comments 5

lucid13 January 10 2011, 10:04:24 UTC
Вкусняшка Кадди means "delicious cuddy". Вкусняшка (a slang used by young people)is the noun for the word вкусный - delicious, tasty.
And more popular writing for House is Хаус.
Sorry for my english, russian is my native. :-)


cuddylicious January 10 2011, 21:34:25 UTC
Thank you! What's the difference between Хауз and Хаус? Case ending? Or just transliteration ambiguity? Your English is fine, much better than my Russian! Спасибо!


lucid13 January 10 2011, 21:49:11 UTC
Just transliteration. Pronunciation is the same.
Oh, I see your Russian is not bad too :-) You are welcome!


LOOOOOL! ppistachio January 10 2011, 13:24:31 UTC
Hello! I'm the author of that post XDDDDD and one of mods of
I'm so curious why it is your favorite site?
And I agree with the lucid13's description of my translation of your name. Is it wrong? I'm sorry if it is. )))


Re: LOOOOOL! cuddylicious January 10 2011, 21:30:17 UTC
I like your site for its great articles... oops, I can't read them! Just kidding. I especially enjoy the photos you have, usually HQ and without annoying extra logos. The translation of cuddylicious is fine, I just thought that "Cuddy-snacks" was kind of playful, fun too. Keep up the good work up there in Russia! :-)


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