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In the first five seasons of "House", particularly the first three, House was a total bastard. Addicted to opioids and fine with it, in constant unbearable physical pain, crippled (the word he used, rather than disabled), bitter, defensive, unable to show love (except to Wilson in his own strange way, and Stacy), and the cherry on the sundae, an atheist.
This hit so close to home with me, especially that around the time I started watching, I'd had a small stroke that left with me without the use of my left leg. Years of physical therapy have helped tremendously. And fortunately, I don't suffer from chronic pain. But at the time I was not only crippled, but swallowing loads of psych meds every day. I felt a deep kinship with House, especially when he was being an insulting jerk. In fact, when I wrote "A Word From House's Leg", I used my own experience learning to use a cane.