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Comments 5

supernutjapan January 6 2021, 12:40:33 UTC
I don't think I've ever actually read a proper intro like this from you before :D Can I ask you something, since you have some experience with publishing? I've read a series of books on kindle recently that have at least one grammatical/spelling error in each book and it is driving me bonkers. At least one of them (probably all but I don't remember for sure) was published by Penguin, which is a pretty major publisher... so why the errors? Is that a kindle/digital issue or is the editor/proofer actually missing these and can I do something about it?

Anyway, random question. Yay for lots of kinky anon porn! :D


cuddyclothes January 6 2021, 14:24:46 UTC
I haven't written such a detailed intro before.

The publisher should be hiring proofreaders. Especially a commercial publisher! Proofreaders would be in-house staff, I think, because most of the publishing industry have cut way back on freelancers.

Also, I think perhaps typos show more on a screen than on paper.


supernutjapan January 7 2021, 01:19:05 UTC
I think perhaps typos show more on a screen than on paper.
That makes sense.


harrigan January 7 2021, 02:37:00 UTC
It's so nice to read the detailed intro to you! I know you from SPN fandom, where I also don't ship romantic pairs. (RPS AU is another matter!) But I'm also a big House fan; just not into that fandom.

Congrats on everything you do and are, while dealing with the challenges you face. From one cancer survivor to another, virtual hugs or high fives, whichever you prefer!


casey28 January 9 2021, 06:16:30 UTC
It's lovely reading about you! And now I know what your name means. :)

Yes, not shipping anyone in Supernatural totally kept you out of trouble, lol.


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