Snowflake Challenge #1

Jan 05, 2021 22:02

Challenge #1

In your own space, introduce yourself!

Hello, I'm cuddyclothes. My user name comes from when I was in the House MD fandom. Dr. Cuddy, the hospital administrator, had an incredible wardrobe S2-6. The last two seasons her clothes so were tight and characterless you could put any actress in them. But before that she had a lot of style.

I live in New York City. For many years I was a freelance journalist, magazine staff writer, and many jobs involving publishing. Two of my novels were published by Avon Books in the 1990s, and in 2014 an anthology of my playwrighting was published by the Exit Press in San Francisco. I have been working on and off turning a fan fic into original fic.

My first fandom was House M.D. The show was still running, so I hung in there until after it was canceled. There were many large groups on Live Journal (sob). I am a total House/Wilson shipper. They are my original and always OTP. After that I got involved in the Supernatural fandom. It was a lot of fun. I didn't ship anybody which kept me out of trouble!

In 2016 my mind was completely blown by the very strange movie Swiss Army Man, starring Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe. Tumblr had a sort of scattered little fandom and some of us devoted ourselves to worshiping Paul Dano. I wrote 10 fics for it in succession.

Hank (Paul Dano) in his female persona, Sarah, has dinner with Manny (who's dead) (Daniel Radcliffe). I told you it was strange.

Then I fell into the Jeeves and Wooster fandom. I don't even know how it happened. I read every single fic I could lay my hands on, on LJ, AO3 and anywhere else. Through the fandom I discovered Discord. Back then, the FFA Discord had a Jeeves channel. Not only did I love making up extremely strange scenarios involving Jeeves and Bertie, I read the original novels with wotwotleigh egging me on. I'm on several Discords now, including one that is devoted to both House MD and Jeeves.

I created give_satisfaction on Dreamwidth because I saw the need for more kinky anon porn in the fandom. (Mostly because I wanted to read it.) There is now a lot of kinky anon porn!

On the personal front, I'm disabled, bipolar with PTSD, a 20 year sober alcoholic, and a cancer survivor. Interacting with other fans is one of my favorite activities. I'm married, with an ancient cat and an anxious dog.

stephen fry, jared padelecki, supernatural, house md, snowflake challenge, swiss army man

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