Corona Chronicles: Last Night's Debate

Sep 30, 2020 13:38


We managed to sit through the whole thing, although you could hear us screaming for miles. Trump is a fucking monster. What I was glad about is that all of America could see how pathological he is! Of course this morning the media is all "Insults Slung At Debate" as if both candidates were carrying on the way he was. And of course, the Proud Boys being encouraged to foment violence and illegally intimidate voters.

Biden's self-control was amazing. The smartest thing he did was not face Trump and talk to the camera. We watched it on a split screen, which not only highlighted insane/sane but also Trump's heavy orange makeup and sweating. When he was told to be quiet, he never was. Or he'd sulk and mutter things. Basically, he was a toddler with a full diaper. Chris Wallace was DEFINITELY not prepared for this! Honestly, they needed a woman who'd had little kids up there. "Don't make me turn this podium around!"

I hired professional cleaners today (thanks for the money dead mom!) and they are scrubbing the place top to bottom. I am a terrible housekeeper and Jeff is too busy, so the place has gone to wrack and ruin since the start of the pandemic. Even though I've done laundry, washed the bathroom, dishes, dusted, etc. Poor Fletcher had to stay with neighbors or he'd bark the house down. According to my neighbor he's doing that anyway...

I've been texting for MoveOn, a progressive Democratic group, doing about 2500 texts a day. It's easier than it sounds. The texts are pre-written, as are the responses. It makes me feel less helpless.

There was other stuff I was going to post about, but I can't remember what it was. Last night was just that awful.

real life, cannot unsee, mr dalliard we've been activated, genre: angst, corona chronicles, fuck

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