This weekend was hell on toast. Yesterday I took a semi-news break, and unfollowed a bunch of Facebook friends who are stridently political (we're all left wing) and post either huge screeds and link to articles that I don't want to read. I'm already almost unable to bear the increasingly horrible news.
HOW COME IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE? WHEN I THINK IT CAN'T GET ANY WORSE, IT GETS WORSE. Our local cable news network, New York One, has a wonderful morning show. They were all staggered by what happened this morning. Their on-location reporter was in Soho, which looked like a war zone. You could tell she was near tears. There's a section they do called "In The Papers". It's generally the only way I can take national news. You can imagine what it was like this morning. The long-time anchor was really shook. There are three journalists who used to be on the regular show until the quarantine, now they all broadcast from home. They all looked terrible. I don't know if I can bear to watch Gov. Cuomo's address this morning. Of course part of the explosion was everyone also bursting out of quarantine.
I feel terrible for 80% of the cops out there. A friend of mine is a high-up police guy. He's very eloquent when he talks about the terror the police are feeling, especially when protestors throw things at them, or set their cars on fire while officers are still in them. This story has gotten buried. I hope my friend writes about it. I also used to date a police sergeant. Hearing it from their side helps you change your thinking about police all being ravenous power-hungry beasts.
And Hair Furor! He stoked the flames all weekend. He'd like nothing better than tanks and bullets being used against the protestors. He's been trying to start wars overseas for three years. Think of how convenient it is to have a war at home! His grandiose statements about what would happen should breach the fence of the White House was infuriating. Plus, some rioters are actually white and showing up after dark to make the protestors look more out of control than most of them are. Crazy white supremacists in aloha shirts are also showing up...I mean, JFC! (Look up aloha shirts for their meaning--Civil War.)
Last night in my writing group we talked about how hopeless we feel, that the downward spiral of disease and death will keep increasing, and scared that violence will continue. No wonder people are committing suicide. Several of us in the group know people who have committed suicide. I don't even know.