I'm putting my kvetch behind the cut because people might not want to be spoiled.
Read the spoiler and saw the photos for Ep. 18.
DAMN DAMN DAMN (throws childish tantrum) my fic involves a couple of swordfights, and now House is going to have a duel with Lucas (?) at a Renaissance fair! DAMN DAMN DAMN! I was curious as to whether or not he could handle a sword, given his bum leg, so I guess I'll find out.
Oh, well, there are probably other fics with House having sword fights, but DAMN DAMN DAMN.
There's also the consolation that considering the size of my fanfic, the swordfights probably won't show up until next year.
And another kvetch: no comments on my last two chapters. Did the het squick everybody out? I need external validation, people!