Prompts Post!

Jun 20, 2009 20:17


- To claim a prompt, simply comment to this post in the format provided below. Copy and paste the entire prompt (including the number), please, in order to avoid any mix-ups.

- You may claim two prompts to start with - if you finish, you can always come back for more. We prefer quality over quantity.

- Claiming will remain open right up until the deadline, August 10.

- A mod will reply to your comment, confirming your claim, or asking you to choose again if a prompt you've requested has already been taken. Once a prompt has been claimed, it will be crossed off the list.

- Prompts are yours to interpret as you like, with the exception that prompts labelled 'gen' should be written as gen (no overt romance/shippiness), and prompts specifying a pairing should include that pairing.

- Reminder: Stories should be over 800 words in length, Cuddy-centric, and complete. Stories to be posted to the community between July 30 and August 10.

- Your stories must be spell-checked and beta-read. We absolutely insist on this.

- Full list of rules, dates, general information can be found here. Please direct any and all questions over there, so that they may be easily found and answered by the mods.


Please follow this format for claiming prompts:

Name: swatkat24
E-mail: swatkat24 at gmail dot com

1. #449. Cuddy, Amber, Cameron, and Thirteen are pirates in space. Gen or femslashy, the only requirement is generous helpings of AWESOME.

You can copy the text below in your comment:





Since our list of prompts this year is somewhat longer than usual, you can use these shiny links to browse each section: Gen, Het, Girlslash, Threesomes/Moresomes, Crossovers, Crack/AU/Apocafic, Unspecified.

Otherwise, you can always scroll down below for the whole list!


1. Cuddy has a word with her staff about the inappropriate uses for underwear (and why they should not be hung from flagpoles).

2. What inspired Cuddy to become a doctor...namely, the Dean of Medicine?

3. Cuddy learns she has breast cancer. tree

4. Cuddy spends some quality time with her baby.

5. Rachel comes down with chicken pox/some other childhood malady-how does Cuddy manage when her baby is sick?

6. Cuddy, gen. In the attic, Cuddy finds an old, nearly forgotten gift from her father.

7. Cuddy, gen. Five times House probably would have wished he could have seen her.

8. Cuddy, gen. Days like these

9. Cuddy, gen. The only dream she really had.

10. Cuddy, gen. One is the loneliest number. dicknailed

11. Cuddy, gen. Reflection.

12. Cuddy, gen. Had her cake and ate it too.

13. Cuddy, gen. Staycation.

14. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy spends Thanksgiving with her mother and sister.

15. Cuddy, gen. Five things she wishes she'd told her father, and one thing she wishes she hadn't.

16. Cuddy, gen. Anything about her time at med school.

17. Cuddy, gen. Photography.

18. Cuddy, gen. Drawers.

19. Cuddy, gen. Pizza.

20. Cuddy, gen. Who was her Esther?

21. Cuddy, gen or pairing. Her top 5 secrets (not even House knows). hamimifk

22. Cuddy, gen. The first night home with Rachel.

23. Cuddy, gen. She doesn't get selected to adopt a baby so she adopts a dog instead

24. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy's innermost thoughts on House's fellows, past and present.

25. Cuddy, gen. Rainy days.

26. Cuddy, gen. Introspective.

27. Cuddy, gen. Pink nail polish.

28. Cuddy, gen. Sweat: five thoughts during a workout.

29. Cuddy, gen. Burn: five times she got burned and what distracted her. firenze083

30. Cuddy, gen. Failure: five times she failed and one time she didn't.

31. Cuddy, gen. Smile: five times she's smiled the REAL cuddy smile.

32. Cuddy, gen. Laugh: five times she's laughed-at least one time is the result of tickling.

33. Cuddy, gen. Hickey: four people who have given her hickies and one who didn't. i_heart_cuddy

34. Cuddy, gen. Run.

35. Cuddy, gen. Violets. tuckp3

36. Cuddy, gen. Why a twelve year old girl wants to be a doctor.

37. Cuddy, gen. Classical music. the_vintage

38. Cuddy, gen. Scary movies.

39. Cuddy, gen. I'm a lonely little petunia (Imogen Heap).

40. Cuddy, gen. Daddy Issues.

41. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy retires. teh_maskmaid

42. Cuddy, gen. Five assistants Cuddy's had over the years.

43. Cuddy, gen. Plant, fish, dog, boyfriend, baby. phelipa

44. Cuddy, gen. Weeping willows.

45. Cuddy, gen. A conversation with a stuffed animal.

46. Cuddy, gen. Post-its.

47. Cuddy, gen. Cigarettes. pokeitlikejello

48. Cuddy, gen. Wind chimes.

49. Cuddy, gen. The clink of bracelets.

50. Cuddy, gen. The peanut gallery is full of nuts.

51. Cuddy, gen. Four times she left behind an undergarment and one time she didn't.

52. Cuddy, gen. Four times she thinks she's pregnant and one time that she is. sadpie

53. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy finds a life plan that she made when she was 12 and decided that she wanted to be a doctor and compares it to her real life.

54. Cuddy, gen. Chandeliers.

55. Cuddy, gen. Lipstick - colors should have relevance e.g., plum makes her feel powerful. Not that Cuddy would wear plum colored lipstick...

56. Cuddy, gen. Clouds.

57. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy goes through her closet & her shoes/outfits trigger memories (at least one memory should be what she was wearing when she miscarried).

58. Cuddy, gen. Character study via her emptying her purse while searching for…

59. Cuddy, gen. Trains.

60. Cuddy, gen. Braces.

61. Cuddy, gen. Hands.

62. Cuddy, gen. Five times she bit her lip.

63. Cuddy, gen. Five paper cuts.

64. Cuddy, gen. Ticking clocks

65. Cuddy, gen. Snow.

66. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy kicks Tritter's ass-you decide if it's literally or figuratively.

67. Cuddy, gen. When she's trapped in her car after a horrible accident, Cuddy must figure out a way to free herself.

68. Cuddy, gen. Top 5 (or favorite) songs on her Ipod.

69. Cuddy, gen. House brings a file to Cuddy's house for a consult. She is out, her sister is in.

70. Cuddy, gen. The grandparents change their mind and want Rachel back.

71. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy has a clinic patient that makes her question the nature of God. Featuring a person of faith who isn't a nut, idiot, or prejudiced freak.

72. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy gets arrested.

73. Cuddy, gen. Cuddy starts menopause.

74. Cuddy, gen. Five significant moments of loss in her life.

75. Cuddy, gen. Four weddings and a funeral.

76. Cuddy, gen. Five things Cuddy wishes she could change in her life and one thing she actually does.

77. Cuddy, gen. "Maybe not everything is supposed to last forever. Certain things are like skywriting; like a really beautiful thing that only lasts for a couple moments." - Little Manhattan applesred

78. Cuddy, gen. "But it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

79. Cuddy, gen. Five romantic relationships (no House, please).

80. Cuddy, gen. Purple rain (songfic).

81. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. Welcome to the Pandemic.

82. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. Sleep.

83. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. "Cool," Cuddy thought. "The ability to read minds will come in verrrry handy."

84. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. "I've killed my child."

85. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. Groundhog day: Cuddy relives one particular day over and over and over.

86. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. Lisa Cuddy IS HAPPY. NO angst. NO drama.

87. Cuddy, gen OR Cuddy/House. College fic-Cuddy gets a tattoo and House discovers it.

88. Cuddy, gen OR Cuddy/House. A student who's been kicked out of PPTH returns to take revenge on the Dean of Medicine.

89. Cuddy, gen OR Cuddy/Cameron. In the aftermath of the season five finale, Cameron is someone she can turn to-who else would understand?

90. Cuddy, Rachel. Rachel's firsts.

91. Cuddy, Rachel. I'm so proud of you.

92. Cuddy, Rachel. Happy Mother's Day.

93. Cuddy, Rachel. Don't let this be the end.

94. Cuddy, Rachel. Lose you by Pete Yorn (Song played at Kutner's funeral)

95. Cuddy, Rachel. Happy Mother's Day.

96. Cuddy, Rachel. Don't let this be the end.

97. Cuddy, Rachel. Stars.

98. Cuddy, Rachel. Five mistakes her mother made, and one she didn't.

99. Cuddy, Rachel. Five times Cuddy was there for Rachel, and one time Rachel was there for her mother. natiyachan

100. Cuddy, Rachel. Five kisses.

101. Cuddy, Rachel. It isn't at all what she expected.

102. Cuddy, Rachel. First birthday.

103. Cuddy, Rachel. "A definition not found in the dictionary: Not leaving: an act of trust and love, often deciphered by children." - -Markus Zusack

104. Cuddy, Rachel, House. "Because children grow up, we think it's a child's purpose to grow up. But a child's purpose is to be a child." - Tom Stoppard

105. Cuddy, Wilson, House. Letting them babysit Rachel sounded like a good idea at the time...

106. Cuddy, Wilson, House. ROAD TRIP!

107. Cuddy, Cameron. AU. What if they had crashed Chase's bachelor party? (Bonus Points for drunk!Cuddy and drunk!Cameron) lauriestein

108. Cuddy, Cameron. Discussing work, life and House.

109. Cuddy, Cameron. Let's talk about love. cuban_sombrero

110. Cuddy, Cameron. Congratulations are in order.

111. Cuddy, Amber. How they bonded over dealing with House and Wilson

112. Cuddy, Amber. Cuddy and Amber plot ways to freak out House and Wilson. It isn't hard to do.

113. Cuddy, Wilson. 'This is a bad plan!'

114. Cuddy, House. Cuddy visits House at Mayfield. applesred


115. Cuddy/Chase. "You're hopelessly in love with her, aren't you?"

116. Cuddy/Chase. Dirty little secret.

117. Cuddy/Chase. Chase follows in the footsteps of Wilson fidelity-wise. luvhouse5

118. Cuddy/Chase. NC-17-Janitor's closet.

119. Cuddy/Chase. Tritter arc. They both came out of it with bruises.

120. Cuddy/Chase. His father made a phone call, but all that did was get him in the door. Cuddy meets House's new Fellow.

121. Cuddy/Chase. She knew she was going to regret this, but not today.

122. Cuddy/Chase. Chocolate.

123. Cuddy/Daniel Wilson. She has a confession to make.

124. Cuddy/Foreman. Distraction.

125. Cuddy/Foreman. Competence.

126. Cuddy/Foreman. After Thirteen, after House, here they are, still standing.

127. Cuddy/Foreman. At the end of the day, tag-teaming House is a thankless task.

128. Cuddy/Foreman. The last thing either of them thought to worry about was that he would get her pregnant.

129. Cuddy/House. 'All empty souls tend toward extreme opinions.' - W.B Yeats.

130. Cuddy/House. Losing virginity.

131. Cuddy/House. Affair with each other.

132. Cuddy/House. Classic movie(s)

133. Cuddy/House. How to play the piano.

134. Cuddy/House. Five things you never would have known about each other. olaf47

135. Cuddy/House. Learning how to drive stick shift.

136. Cuddy/House. Meeting the parents.

137. Cuddy/House. NC-17-sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

138. Cuddy/House "I found you a late Victorian corset. Come by later, I'll tie you up."

139. Cuddy/House. 'Walking through fire without a burn.' - I Should Tell You, RENT

140. Cuddy/House. Happy birthday.

141. Cuddy/House. My life would suck without you.

142. Cuddy/House. 'Totally emotionless except for her heart.'- Lump, Presidents of the United States of America.

143. Cuddy/House. Tell me the truth.

144. Cuddy/House. Stop playing games.

145. Cuddy/House. Too late for "I'm sorry."

146. Cuddy/House. You're such a good liar.

147. Cuddy/House. Call and Answer, by Barenaked Ladies.

148. Cuddy/House.

149. Cuddy/House.

150. Cuddy/House.

151. Cuddy/House. 'He and I had something beautiful,/ But so dysfunctional, it couldn't last.'- Near To You by A Fine Frenzy.

152. Cuddy/House. She got the Family that she always wanted.

153. Cuddy/House. NC17. They say it's just sex. Really?!

154. Cuddy/House, Rachel. House and Cuddy's relationship from Rachel's POV.

155. Cuddy/House. The first time that Cuddy ever met House. sadpie

156. Cuddy/House. The first time that House ever pulled a prank on Cuddy, and how Cuddy handles it (i.e. Does she pull a prank of her own in return? Hint: You decide!)

157. Cuddy/House. Cuddy sets an ultimatum with House (you decide for what reason, and how naughty it is).

158. Cuddy/House. House finds out from Lucas that Cuddy "experimented" in college. He demands evidence.

159. Cuddy/House. The House Family Reunion; Cuddy gets tricked into going OR she tricks House into going. (Bonus Points if Blythe and Cuddy scheme together)

160. Cuddy/House. After his time at Mayfield they begin to spend time together. She's ready to take it to the next level, but he holds back, thinking it can't possibly be as good as it was in his hallucination. Can be angsty or humorous. arhh

161. Cuddy/House. "Big black boots; long brown hair; she's so sweet with her get back stare."- Are You Gonna Be My Girl, by Jet. fabouluz

162. Cuddy/House. House and Cuddy both attend the same wedding, maybe together. Angst.

163. Cuddy/House. Swimming pool.

164. Cuddy/House. Table football (foosball?).

165. Cuddy/House. She finds porn in the doctors' lounge DVD player, and watches it. aud_woman_in

166. Cuddy/House. Self destruction.

167. Cuddy/House. Pregnancy.

168. Cuddy/House. Bickering.

169. Cuddy/House. For all the reasons it would never work, there's one reason why she might be willing to try anyway.

170. Cuddy/House. "Assumptions are the termites of relationships." Henry Winkler

171. Cuddy/House. "Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece." Lisa Simpson

172. Cuddy/House. Five times she meant to say 'I love you' and one time she actually did. miabicicletta

173. Cuddy/House. He wasn't the most relaxing hobby she'd ever tried. blatterations

174. Cuddy/House. Magnets.

175. Cuddy/House. 'I'm battle scarred, / but I am working oh so hard / to get back to who I used to be.' - Near to You, A Fine Frenzy

176. Cuddy/House. College fic - they meet while doing the naked mile at Michigan.

177. Cuddy/House. Cuddy finds the brazilian secret on her desk. She waits until she's home to confront house. (Established relationship; if not, she confronts him at work.)

178. Cuddy/House. Playing guitar hero-Cuddy wins.

179. Cuddy/House. Playing chess-Cuddy wins.

180. Cuddy/House. Doing their taxes (established relationship).

181. Cuddy/House. Love Lockdown - Kanye West,

182. Cuddy/House. Duet - Rachael Yamagata,

183. Cuddy/House. The first cut is the deepest - Sheryl Crow,

184. Cuddy/House. Keep Breathing - Ingrid Michaelson,

185. Cuddy/House. When You Were Young - The Killers,

186. Cuddy/House. Realise - Colbie Caillat,

187. Cuddy/House, Rachel. Saturdays.

188. Cuddy/House, Rachel. If she's quick and quiet, Cuddy can catch him in random moments of kindness. All of which he denies, of course. miabicicletta

189. Cuddy/House. Rachel's first word… she calls House 'daddy'!

190. Cuddy/House, Rachel. Three times Cuddy comforts Rachel and one time Rachel comfort's her mother.

191. Cuddy/House. The both get stuck at a medical conference. fabouluz

192. Cuddy/House. Depression.

193. Cuddy/House. This is my broken family.

194. Cuddy/House. Soap operas.

195. Cuddy/House. It's time to open the birthday present!

196. Cuddy/House. Two hours later he digs the birthday card out of the trash and never tells her it made him smile.

197. Cuddy/House, Rachel. Tooth fairy, Santa Claus and Easter bunny

198. Cuddy/House. House goes to Cuddy's yoga class (she can invite him to go as therapy for his leg or he can sneak in).

199. Cuddy/House. The five elements (earth, wind, fire, water - you create 5th).

200. Cuddy/House. Mystery dum dums (the suckers/lollipops).

201. Cuddy/House. Sharing a cup of coffee.

202. Cuddy/House. Angst, friendship, possible romance - Cuddy is severely depressed after Rachel's grandparents take their grandchild back. House is there to help.

203. Cuddy/House. AU - What if House had called Cuddy to pick him up that fateful night in Sharry's bar? teh_maskmaid

204. Cuddy/House. Cuddy goes out on a date with a man who turns out to be House's half brother.

205. Cuddy/House. U-Mich fic. Their endocrinology class, "I cheated off you in the mid-term". katernater

206. Cuddy/House. Cuddy adopts, but it's a boy, not a girl. lieueitak

207. Cuddy/House. Their wedding present is a recipe for macadamia nut pancakes.

208. Cuddy/House. How he persuaded her mother to send the desk.

210. Cuddy/House. The first time he met her sister.

211. Cuddy/House. Rachel's first day in kindergarten. natiyachan

212. Cuddy/House. Cuddy investigates Kutner's death.

213. Cuddy/House. Wilson gets married...again.

214. Cuddy/House. Cuddy insists that they go on a real date for once. midnight_birth

215. Cuddy/House. Blythe plans a surprise birthday for House and enlists Cuddy's help.

216. Cuddy/House. House's doctors at Mayfield clinic call Cuddy for a consult.

217. Cuddy/House. When he returns from Mayfield, House finds out that Wilson has told Cuddy nothing about his delusion.

218. Cuddy/House. Cuddy learns to play the (piano, harmonica, guitar, bongos, harp); House lends a hand.

219. Cuddy/House. The addict is Cuddy, not House.

220. Cuddy/House. "The finger of blame has turned upon itself/And I'm more than willing to offer myself/Do you want my presence or need my help/Who knows where that might lead."- Fall at Your Feet, Crowded House. cryptictac

221. Cuddy/House. Stacy is working at Mayfield.

222a. Cuddy/House. "Everytime I try to fly - I fall/Without my wings, I feel so small/I guess I need you baby/And everytime I see You in my dreams/I see your face - you're haunting me." - Everytime, Britney Spears.

222b. Cuddy/House. House takes Cuddy to WrestleMania 25.

223. Cuddy/House. Fireflies.

224. Cuddy/House. Photographic evidence of happiness. No nudity. Bonus points if it's from an old school photo booth!

225. Cuddy/House. Adele - Cold Shoulder,

226. Cuddy/House. A. Kraus - Whiskey Lullaby,

227. Cuddy/House. Don Mclean - Castles in the Air,

228. Cuddy/House. Everytime Cuddy sees House she hears the song "I will follow him" by Petula Clark. Wich is odd, because she doesn't even like the corny old song

229. Cuddy/House. Cuddy finds House in the park. Instead of lying on a table top, he's lying in the grass. He gives her a dandelion - the kind you make wishes with.

230. Cuddy/House. "But if I killed him, we'd have to stop sleeping together."

231. Cuddy/House. Privately, House thought she looked even better all bed-mussed and rumpled. lieueitak

232. Cuddy/House. Blythe meets Rachel.

233. Cuddy/House. House must endure pregnant Cuddy (even if it is partly his fault).

234. Cuddy/House, Rachel. "And just where did she learn THAT word, House?!"

235. Cuddy/House. Aliens made them do it.

236. Cuddy/House. It started with a piano.

237. Cuddy/House. Piano lessons.

238. Cuddy/House. Fuck me pumps.

239. Cuddy/House. "How about now?"

240. Cuddy/House. Short skirt, long jacket. cryptictac

241. Cuddy/House. It was going pretty well until their mothers wanted to meet. (Mrs. Cuddy and Blythe House come to visit their children at the same time, and realize Greg & Lisa are in a relationship. Do their mothers get along, plot for a wedding, or develop an abiding hatred?)

242. Cuddy/House. It wasn't menopause, it was pregnancy.

243. Cuddy/House. She bears him a son.

244. Cuddy/House. Ferris wheel.

245. Cuddy/House. Power play.

246. Cuddy/House. "This is how it has always been with me. Give me something good, I'll destroy it. Love me and I will destroy you." -James Frey arhh

247. Cuddy/House. Once. little_missmimi

248. Cuddy/House. "When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am" - Iris, Goo Goo Dolls.

249. Cuddy/House. Subtext.

250. Cuddy/House. "I once tried bondage. She just tied me up and complained about how har it is to be Dean of Medicine" (or whatever the correct quotation is; I may be paraphrasing)

251. Cuddy/House. Cuddy has her own hallucination about her and House.

252. Cuddy/House. No-pantie Cuddy always turns him on.

253. Cuddy/House. "The only rule is, House, you can touch yourself when I touch myself, but if you touch me, one touch for one week for clinic."

254. Cuddy/House. "Until you find something to fight for, you settle for something to fight against." - Chuck Palahniuk

255. Cuddy/House. "We accept the love we think we deserve." -Stephen Chbosky

256. Cuddy/Kutner. He's always noticed things other people don't.

257. Cuddy/Kutner. She has no right to feel guilty. Cuddy in the aftermath of Kutner's death.

258. Cuddy/Kutner. Everybody likes an underdog.

259. Cuddy/Kutner. He's really sorry about the whole fire incident.

260. Cuddy/Kutner. Lessons.

261. Cuddy/Lucas. "One date. I promise not to be creepy."

262. Cuddy/Lucas. "The English Patient, special edition?" "Well it's not free you know, the good news is that it only comes for the modest sum of one date"

263. Cuddy/Patient from 'Top Secret'. Their one date, jealous!House optional.

264. Cuddy/Wilson. Hold me tight.

265. Cuddy/Wilson. We'll get through this together.

266. Cuddy/Wilson. You were always there for me.

267. Cuddy/Wilson. They're both brought together by their love for House. heledren

268. Cuddy/Wilson. Secrets.

269. Cuddy/Wilson. A whole story about them that doesn't mention House even ONCE. It can involve anyone else on the show, though. :)

270. Cuddy/Wilson. Rubber duck.

271. Cuddy/Wilson. Someone who reaches out for your hand...and touches your heart.

272. Cuddy/Wilson. Quiet moments together

273. Cuddy/Wilson. Pathetic.

274. Cuddy/Wilson. They can't do this.

275. Cuddy/Wilson. They never told House, but there was one time they did make out on the hospital stairs.

276. Cuddy/Wilson. What would have happened if he'd taken her to the right exhibit.

277. Cuddy/Wilson. Grief makes you do stupid things.

278. Cuddy/Wilson. He's actually the one who gave her the desk.

279. Cuddy/Taub. He wasn't sure that he wanted kids. dicknailed

280. Cuddy/Taub. She chooses him because no one would ever suspect a thing.


281. Cuddy/Amber. Tie-in with 'You Don't Want to Know'. Amber attempts to seduce Cuddy to get a hold of her panties.

282. Cuddy/Amber. Daylight is right around the corner.

283. Cuddy/Amber. Tea for two.

284. Cuddy/Amber. "Too bad this is your stop."

285. Cuddy/Amber. 'You wanted me fired.'

286. Cuddy/Amber. Caring and sharing.

287. Cuddy/Amber. Well, if House won't hire her, she will. Cuddy knows potential when she sees it.

288. Cuddy/Amber. It was Wilson on the bus.

289. Cuddy/Amber. F-preg.

290. Cuddy/Cameron. Control.

291. Cuddy/Cameron. Funny ideas.

292. Cuddy/Cameron. "Is it that noticeable?"

293. Cuddy/Cameron. Bridal shower.

294. Cuddy/Cameron. Sometimes they both wish they could start over.

295. Cuddy/Cameron. Adventures in babysitting.

296. Cuddy/Stacy. Sunscreen.

297. Cuddy/Stacy. Caught by House and possibly Wilson.

298. Cuddy/Stacy. Table in the diagnostics conference room. slvrglm

299. Cuddy/Stacy. "House is an ass-we both know that."

300. Cuddy/Stacy. "Standing, stretching every nerve" - Solsbury Hill, Peter Gabriel.

301. Cuddy/Stacy. "This is a journey to the center of the night" - AF607105, Charlotte Gainsbourg.

302. Cuddy/Stacy. "Waiting and fading and floating away" - Panic Switch, Silversun Pickups.

303. Cuddy/Stacy. Walk This Way by Aerosmith

304. Cuddy/Stacy. Breathe me by Sia

305. Cuddy/Stacy. They make one hell of a power couple.

306. Cuddy/Stacy. They're both cheating, in their own way.

307. Cuddy/Stacy. Before and after.

308. Cuddy/Thirteen. Toothpaste.

309. Cuddy/Thirteen. First time.

310. Cuddy/Thirteen. Experimentation.

311. Cuddy/Thirteen. Rum.

312. Cuddy/Thirteen. NC-17 - Stilettos - kink!, sub!Cuddy, dom!13. slvrglm

313. Cuddy/Thirteen. R - NC17, "My daddy taught me this." (preferably angsty).

314. Cuddy/Thirteen. "I know a great place to eat out."

315. Cuddy/Thirteen. Damned if you don't.

316. Cuddy/Thirteen. 'It's so beautiful here, she says.' - Vienna Teng, Recessional.

317. Cuddy/Thirteen. Someone is there, at the end.

318. Cuddy/Thirteen. Thirteen is seriously good at picking up chicks. hamimifk

319. Cuddy/Thirteen. "Reality is an elusive seductress. I like watching her hips more." - Tori Amos

320. Cuddy/Thirteen. Cuddy and Thirteen's relationship is revealed, and all hell breaks loose at PPTH.

321. Cuddy/Thirteen. It's ten years later, and Cuddy faces Thirteen's death.

322. Cuddy/Thirteen. Cuddy was never comfortable with being public about her sexual orientation, but after meeting Remy Hadley, she could get used to it. lil_dark_prncss

323. Cuddy/Thirteen. "Your tush is like the pistons in a Ferrari" - Remy agrees. perfect_pride

324. Cuddy/Blythe House. It started when Cuddy bought Blythe a drink after her husband died and all spiraled out of control from there.

325. Cuddy/Blythe House. House had already graduated UMich, he and Cuddy had broken up. Blythe and John House were in Ann Arbor and John got drunk and hit her and Blythe ran to the only person she knew in Ann Arbor: Cuddy.


326. Imaginary!Cuddy/Imaginary!Amber/(House). Being a figment of House's subconscious mind has never been more fun.

327. Cuddy/Amber/House. AU. Cuddy is the one hallucinating.

328. Cuddy/Amber/Thirteen. She couldn't let Thirteen mourn alone, not with everything they had had together.

329. Cuddy/Thirteen/Amber. What they learned from each other.

330. Cuddy/Cameron/Thirteen. "I was here first."

331. Cuddy/Cameron/Thirteen. "This is where I draw the line."

332. Cuddy/Thirteen/Foreman. House calls them an 'Inverse Oreo.'

333. Cuddy/Thirteen/Foreman. 'Let´s spice it up a little.' NC-17

334. Cuddy/Foreman/Thirteen. It starts out as a harmless little shared fantasy. ijemanja

335. Cuddy/House/Stacy. Cuddy owes House a favor, and he knows just how she can repay him.

336. Cuddy/House/Thirteen. "You took advantage of me!" (Femslash, threesome.) NC-17 lauriestein

338. Cuddy/House/Wilson. This was a bad idea.

339. Cuddy/House/Wilson. The heart of life is good.

340. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Too late for "I love you."

341. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Tears.

342. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Cuddy somehow accidentally invites both of them as her date to her cousin's wedding and has to deal with the aftermath. i_heart_cuddy

343. Cuddy/House/Wilson. House passes out and Cuddy and Wilson decide to paint his nails and toes and take photos. They are also drunk.

344. Cuddy/House/Wilson. They are spending thanksgiving together. They all go to the grocery store to buy the food. At one point Cuddy and House gang up on Wilson. The rest is up to you.

345. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Deception; betrayal; suspicion. wasabi_girl1

346. Cuddy/House/Wilson. "Come by later and I'll tie you up!" NC-17

347. Cuddy/House/Wilson. This was a bad idea.

348. Cuddy/House/Wilson. The heart of life is good.

349. Cuddy/House/Wilson. "It's not that big a bed."

350. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Cuddy is pissed, House is horny, Wilson's in the middle. NC-17

351. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Cuddy is asked out on a second "date" by Wilson, and, as usual, House gets jealous... School-aged hijinks ensue.

352. Cuddy/House/Wilson, gen OR threesome. House's liver has handed in it's notice, Cuddy plans with Wilson behind House's back to give him the gift of life.

353. Cuddy/House/Wilson, gen OR threesome. A three-way holiday take on 'The Gift of the Magi' by O'Henry.

354. Cuddy/House/Wilson. They get high - can be AU college fic or not. Bonus points for munchies or no pants wilson!

355. Cuddy/House/Wilson, gen OR threesome. They move in together (permanently or temporarily).

356. Cuddy/Wilson/House. A hot moment between Cuddy and House is interrupted accidentally by a very flustered Wilson.

357. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Stuck in the middle with you.

358. Cuddy/House/Wilson. She is undoubtedly their center. NC-17

359. Cuddy/House/Wilson. How (not) to buy a house for three adults, one child, and a piano. House scares off the first 3 realtors (and is almost sued by the 4th), and Cuddy makes one cry. heledren

360. Cuddy/House/Wilson. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Bonus points if House gets stuck with the bill!

361. Cuddy/House/Wilson. Her two favorite boys gave her a special birthday present, together.

362. Cuddy/Wilson(/House). "You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand

363. Cuddy/Amber/Cameron/Thirteen. Girls' poker night. No boys allowed.


364. Alias crossover. Cuddy/Irina Derevko. Lisa Cuddy doesn't exist, but to escape a life of spying and violence, she has to be real.

365. Army Wives crossover. Cuddy/Denise. Tattoo. T+

366. Ashes to Ashes crossover. Cuddy, gen AU. Lisa Cuddy turns Alex Drake.

367. Battlestar Galactica crossover. Cuddy/Laura Roslin. "Only Laura knew what it was like to be a woman on top."

368. Battlestar: Galactica crossover. Cuddy gen OR pairing of your choice. You make do with what you have, and what you are.

369. Battlestar: Galactica crossover. Cuddy gen OR pairing of your choice. Cuddy frakking hates Cylons.

400. The Big Bang Theory crossover. House/Cuddy, Sheldon/Penny. Sheldon brings Penny to PPTH with an unknown ailment, House is an ass but Cuddy forces him to take her on as a patient. Hilarity & insanity ensues when Sheldon and House interact, of course.

401. Constantine crossover. Cuddy/John Constantine. Second opinion.

402. CSI crossover. Cuddy/Catherine Willows. Cuddy decides to go dancing and she meets Catherine at a club.

403. Damages crossover. Cuddy/Patty Hewes. Cuddy wants to take on a pharmaceutical company, who else would she turn to?

404. The Devil Wears Prada crossover. Cuddy/Miranda Priestly. Miranda winds up in the clinic after injuring her wrist on a visit to her mother's place in Princeton. Cuddy looks after her herself to avoid House making an ass out of himself and making a bad impression on the notoriously icy fashionista. It turns out Priestly's not so icy after all.

405. Discworld crossover. Cuddy, Sam Vimes, Carrot. 'I was adopted.'

406. Discworld crossover. Cuddy, Sam Vimes, Lady Sybil. Ladies who organize.

407. Doctor Who crossover. Cuddy, Martha Jones. Set during the missing year, "Have you met Ms. Jones?"

408. Dollhouse crossover. Cuddy, Kutner, Adelle DeWitt. Contractual arrangements.

409. Early Edition crossover. Cuddy/House, Gary/Brigatti. It doesn't do any good to see the future if you're too comatose to notice.

410. Farscape crossover. Cuddy, Harvey. Imaginary best friends.

411. Gilmore Girls crossover. Cuddy/House, Luke/Lorelai. While driving home from a conference, Cuddy passes through Stars Hollow and meets Luke Danes. Sparks fly, and jealousy from House & Lorelai ensue.

412. Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice crossover. Cuddy/Addison. It was just a consult, right?

413. Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice crossover. Cuddy/Addison. The two women make a connection in California after leaving their former lives behind.

414. Harry Potter crossover. Cuddy/Lupin. Considering the whole wizard/werewolf thing, the long distance aspect of the relationship was the least of their problems.

415. How I Met Your Mother crossover. Cuddy/Barney. 'Hi, haave you met Dr. Barney Stinson? Dr. Stinson works for Doctors Without Borders, and this is his last night in the country before he leaves for Somalia tomorrow evening.'

416. How I Met Your Mother crossover. Cuddy travels to NYC to visit family and gets hit on by Barney Stinson.

417. How I Met Your Mother crossover. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. Barney Stinson tries to pick up Cuddy. It doesn't go quite as planned.

418. Iron Man crossover. House/Cuddy, Tony/Pepper AND/OR Cuddy/Tony, Pepper/House. Trading spaces.

419. Law & Order: SVU crossover. Cuddy/Olivia. Unwind. T+

420. Life on Mars (UK) crossover. Cuddy/Sam Tyler. "You have to stop fighting, Lisa."

421. Lost crossover. Pre-crash, Cuddy meets Jack Shephard at a medical conference. Does she like him? Hate him? You decide!

422. Pretender crossover. Cuddy, gen OR Cuddy/House, Jarod/Miss Parker. Cuddy hires an outstanding new doctor, who may be even smarter than House.

423. Pushing Daisies crossover. Mmmm, pie. pokeitlikejello

424. Pushing Daisies crossover. Cuddy, Emerson Cod, gen. 'I have a twin.'

425. RPF crossover. Lisa Cuddy would like to have a few words with Lisa Edelstein.

426. RPF crossover. When Cuddy meets Hugh Laurie...

427. Silence of the Lambs crossover. Cuddy, Dr. Hannibal Lector, gen. Cuddy has a stalker.

428. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy/Elizabeth Weir. She's been a doctor for over twenty years, but she's never heard of nanites.

429. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy/John Sheppard. Medals. hihoplastic

430. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy, Elizabeth Weir. "One day I just woke up."

431. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy/Lt. Col John Sheppard. He should have prepared for a harsher landing.

432. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy/Dr. Elizabeth Weir. "I left SGC for a reason, Elizabeth." / "You also joined for a reason."

433. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy/House, Weir/Sheppard. Cuddy and Weir discuss remedies for beard burn (in visible and not-so-visible places).

434. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. She's never been able to say "no" to Carson Beckett. vickysg1

435. Stargate: Atlantis crossover. Cuddy, gen OR Cuddy/House, Weir/Sheppard. Lisa and Elizabeth meet up (either a reunion or for the 1st time) at a women's conference. They compare notes on leadership.

436. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles crossover. Cuddy, Sarah, gen OR Cuddy/Sarah. A doctor should be prepared for anything.

437. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles crossover. When a terminator shows up and starts taking apart her hospital, Cuddy discovers Rachel is destined to become a leader in the fight against the coming robopocalypse. ijemanja

438. The West Wing crossover. House/Cuddy, Cuddy/Sam, House/Laurie, Sam/Laurie. One night stand. cuban_sombrero

439. The West Wing crossover. Cuddy/Sam. They both know it's a one night stand, but it's a one night stand for some comfort from strangers.

440. Wonderfalls crossover. Cuddy, gen OR pairing of your choice. Inanimate objects start talking to her, too.

441. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. Parallel lives.

442. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. Fuck me pumps.

443. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. ...Crackpot, albeit brilliant partner.

444. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. Professionalism. blatterations

445. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. House's hidden webcam in Cuddy's office.

446. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. Red lipstick.

447. X-Files crossover. Cuddy/Scully. New in town.

448. X-Files/Iron Man/House crossover. Cuddy, Scully, Pepper, gen OR Cuddy/Scully/Pepper sexy tiems!


449. Cuddy, Amber, Cameron, and Thirteen are pirates in space. Gen or femslashy, the only requirement is generous helpings of AWESOME. swatkat24

450. Cuddy is the head vampire.

451. The Dread Pirate Cuddy and her rowdy crew grudgingly mount a rescue mission on behalf of their brilliant but deranged First Mate House, who, once again, has gotten himself marooned on some godforsaken island. Hopefully this time there won't be any R.O.U.Ss to contend with. (Crossover with The Princess Bride optional.)(Bonus points for an appearance by Nurse Brenda.)

452. AU. Cuddy/House/Ducklings/Wilson. High school (this requires some age fudging).

453. AU. Cuddy/House: A fic based on the movie THE ABYSS w/ Cuddy and House replacing the two leads: estranged married couple, both intelligent strong willed, husband is blue collar wife is white collar, husband sacrifices himself in the end. The profession can be the same or they can be on a space station, stuck at the south pole, or archeologists.

454. AU. Cuddy/House/Wilson: Pick a scene from Pride & Prejudice and rewrite it with House as Darcy, Cuddy as Elizabeth and Wilson as Charles. tree

455. AU. Cuddy/Stacy/House: Cuddy and Stacy are in a relationship. Cuddy winds up in the hospital and House is her dr. They become friends. One of them falls for House. There's an affair. The affair ends.

456. Cuddy/Stacy/House. Pre-infarction. Stacy/House ask Cuddy to be their surrogate. Cuddy agrees. House has infarction & Stacy leaves. Cuddy raises child.

457. Cuddy/House/Wilson, AU/Apocalypse. Friendship, possible romance, no Rachel. The world is caught amidst a nuclear Worldwar III. Three doctors who have no-one to go home to experience the hospital's downfall together.

458. Cuddy, gen. She always figured the world would end eventually, but she never expected it to be during her lifetime, and she never expected there to be zombies involved.

459. Cuddy, gen, apocafic. "When planning for all the hazards of motherhood, she never planned for alien zombies."

460. Apocafic. Cuddy/anyone or gen. Brave new world.

461. Apocafic. It's not easy being the last woman on Earth.

462. Cuddy, crack. It was always Lisa Cuddy's dream to try out for American Idol.

463. Cuddy/House crackfic. When people ask them about their past in Michigan they start singing "Summer Nights".

464. Cuddy/House, crack-fic. Conference, Las Vegas, Elvis and a wedding ring.


465. Knock You Down, Keri Hilson ft. Neyo and Kanye West

466. 'Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced there's just too much pressure to take...' - Crawling, Linkin Park

457. 'And I / Just wish that I didn't feel / like there was something I missed...' - My December, Linkin Park

458. I dream that someday we'll be able to / Look back on this together and say / It was for the best and that it made us / Stronger today, stronger today...' - Hello Again, Hoobastank

459. 'Just wanted you to tell me the truth / You know I'd do that for you...' - Running Away, Hoobastank

460. 'All my work and endless measures / Never seem to get me very far...' - Duck and Run, 3 Doors Down


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