
Dec 27, 2008 19:22

I don't know how I did it, but for the 2nd year in a row I managed to get sick the day after Christmas. Last year it was a flu like bug, this year I was certain it was actual flu. I was wrong, despite the fact that I wasn't coughing that much I have walking pneumonia. The good news is that one we caught it early and two the doc in the box that I went to was better than all the other doctors I've encountered in these places. Being a young female, I was quite shocked to have a doctor who was my age. She even was wearing flip-flops with pink polish on her toes. I was quite impressed that she wasn't in a hurry to write a prescription and send me on my way. She even took blood thinking my illness might be mono. The moral of the story, if you have severe body aches, go the doctor. It might have you well sooner rather than later.
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