I'll post that song I was talking about before next time.
Monday night I bought one of the CDs I had special ordered from work. I still have tons of special orders taking space in the employee hold box. I feel bad sometimes, some of the of items have been in there for more than a year. Ah well. I'll get around to it.
I think I know exactly what's in there.
- A bunch of Libertines' singles
- Dr. Alimantado's second album
- Yellow Pills: Prefill, this is a power pop 2-cd collection featuring a lot of unknown bands who maybe only released a single or two in their day
- Jandek documentary DVD
- Felt live show DVD
I think there's more, this is after I cleaned it out, and went ahead just filed certain things back into the store, like some Smiths, Steve Jordan, and Momus albums.
I also have some items in 'secret spots', mostly titles that have gone out of print that I'm going to buy......... eventually.
As I was saying, I bought one of them, and it was this:
The debut album (2002) from Irish band Pony Club.
Not the typical guitars/bass/drums setup. It's filled with electronic and other ambient noises. Lots of synth and overdubbing do a good job of creating a 'mood' when listening to it.
It opens with one of my favorite tracks, "Fuck With My Heart" which is an interesting title considering how gentle the song, and the others really are.
The crudeness of the statement works well.
At first I took "fuck with" to mean "mess" or "screw around with". It took a couple of listens to see he really just means to have sex.
That he isn't just having sex with someone, it means something to him, it isn't empty.
The best lines come at the end when he's finally frank with the woman he's with, the one he's grown tired of:
Yes I fuck with my heart
Yes I make love with soul
Yes there’s somebody else
Yes its someone you know
Ouch, the truth comes out, and it's left so out in the open it almost hurts just to hear it. Excellent track.
More later, I always say that.