Antipater, Alexander, Antigonus, Perdiccas,

Mar 03, 2006 03:49

Eumendes, Seluceus, Eurydice, Olympias, Ptolemy, Demetrius, Lysimachus, Hephaestion, Rhoxane, Arrhidaeus, Phillip, Charles V,Darius, Luther, Calvin, Huss, Erasmus, Aquinas, Henry III, Henry IV, Anastasia Romanov, Ivan the Terrible, Ilyana Glinskaya, Peter the Great, Nicholas II, Catharine the Great, Elizabeth I, Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, Australopithecus Africanus, etc etc..

The list goes on but I won't continue. Names I must remember. And why are they significant? Oh, for many reasons. Each in their own time. Great moments. Evolution is a fascinating subject.

"Ezekiel saw that wheel whirlin', way up the middle of the air.."

In other news, the psychiatrist I've been seeing thinks that the three head injuries I suffered (and hey..I WAS a forceps baby) in childhood might be the reason behind my hallucinations and delusions. "There isn't a common thread," she said, between my thoughts. I am able to recognize when I am going "crazy". For sure, not soon after, if soon after at all. Sometimes it's months, sometimes it's years. Often it is within hours, though. A good friend is helping me understand my craziness, which he says is definitely manifesting in a number of ways, namely unprovoked bitchiness, which he says in all sincerety. Is that really a mental illness? I think perhaps (he is of a different generation after all, being almost 30 years my senior, but then, so are a few of my friends)a generation of hippies that, if you think about it, were much nicer people.
I apologized for THAT condition, but he said the good outweighed the bad. I suppose now I can rest easy on some account, that someone out there thinks that. Maybe a few people. I'd hope.
I had no idea, personally, the extent that it had reached. We did not continue the conversation beyond discussing that particular trait. Only I can provide certain details on my mental state, after all, because only I experience the truly odd ones, he can only tell me how it outwardly manifests. I had to try and tell a psychiatrist about it and found it hard. So I had to ask this person. Schizophrenia runs in his family (and mine) so he has some insight. My symptoms are similar, but then, they aren't.
We recently went on a trip together (the historic site-seeing tour)and he spent 3 days with my neurotic self.
I said the upside is I don't need to use drugs (ha ha ha). My own brain could provide the sensation at any time. When it is unpredictable however, it tends to be disconcerting.
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