Карлхайнц Штокхаузен о Фальшивости "Телевизионной" Реальности и Псевдо-Языке Телефонного Общения

Dec 29, 2023 15:04

Цитата  транскрипта интервью 1971 года из документального фильма «Ich werde die Töne - die Weltschau des Karlheinz Stockhausen (I Become the Tones - Karlheinz Stockhausen’s vision of the world)» (broadcasted on March 14th 1971.)

Людей уже с раннего возраста следует обучать знакомству со своим телом, обучению медитации. То есть, не просто учиться отстраняться/«уплывать», а по-настоящему медитировать. Это означает по-настоящему соединиться с «электрическими» токами, которые текут в нас, которые имеют надличностное (supra-personal) происхождение и которые могут использоваться людьми, как настоящее электрическое поле, к которому я себя подключаю.

Важно понять как проникнуть в каждую клеточку своего тела, как я могу расслабиться в любой стрессовой ситуации.

The youngest people should already be taught about getting to know their bodies, learning to meditate. That is, not just learn to drift away, but really how to meditate. That means to really connect with the electrical currents that enter into people, that have supra-personal origin and that can be used by humans like electricity that I plug myself into.

The important thing is: that I know how to penetrate every limb of my body, how I can relax in every stressful situation.

Это нужно, чтобы научиться общаться с другим человеком без необходимости все время разговаривать. То есть, не вызывая постоянного недопонимания.

Это нужно, чтобы общаться с другими людьми в течение длительного периода времени, не будучи зависимым от таких глупых вещей, как телефон, который не работает, и где можно развить нелепый телефонный язык, который на самом деле больше не является настоящим языком.

Или без необходимости испытывать искусственность телевидения, когда можно представить оператора, стоящего за углом, и человека с микрофоном, который его держит. Где ни что по-настоящему не реально, а все происходит в осознанном согласии притворства. И так далее.

How I can communicate with another person without having to talk all the time. That is: without constantly causing misunderstandings.

How I can communicate with other people over long periods of time without being dependent upon such silly things as a telephone that doesn’t work, and where one develops such a stupid telephone language that is no longer really a true language.

Or without having to experience the artificiality in television, when one can picture the cameraman standing around the corner and the microphone man, who sets up his microphone. Where nothing is truly real, but rather everything takes place in the awareness that I am pretending. And so forth.

Весь мир стал суррогатом, иллюзией, заменой. Заменой точно так же, как все становится заменой во время войны.

The whole world would become a surrogate, illusory, a substitute. Substitute, just like everything became a substitute during the war.


I myself am searching for a supra-political, supra-religious (religious in an orthodox sense): supra-orthodox - position, because all people equally interest me. In very few moments of love, I have also experienced that I was completely the other: I myself no longer existed. Those are such moments, when the I becomes something else: it becomes the whole.

What I want to say is that the human possesses an unbelievable number of skills that are undeveloped. They are just dormant. And that he must urgently develop them, at least a few. That he has to show others how they can develop them, in order to be well prepared for the terrible, unpreventable, crises that are approaching.


Surrealism is an unbelievably important experience of our century. And I mean: formulated surrealism that can be found in music by Varèse, to a certain extent in yet unrecognised ways in music by Stravinsky - not only in painting or sculpture. I have learned that when someone experiences something extraordinary, something musical, everything becomes alert. That has happened to me sometimes in life, but very seldom in such an intense way: that I have completely identified with a plant. That was here in front of the house. Or once, it happened to me with a goat, when I felt absolutely identical: I was the goat. Or I was this rose stem. That would really be the only free world, in which we aren’t uniformed, but rather each of us has the possibility to choose what he wants from the entire world. However, that requires very awakened personalities. And that is what art says, particularly the extension of European art by what was first called “surrealism” - and today I would say “supra-realism”, that which is over, above, the normal reality that surrounds us: That we strive towards that as a possible world, a free world of individual life.


(...) when I listen to music and am not disturbed, it is the deepest meditation that I know, namely the perfect identification of my being with what I hear: I become the tones. As fast as possible. And that usually happens only when I close my eyes. Or sometimes it works if one looks somewhere and then no longer knows what one sees. That one becomes just like the tones.

And when the tones go upwards, I go upwards too. If they become fat, I become fat. If they become thin, I become thin. If they become noisy, I become noisy. If a tone divides into two, I divide into two.

A real experience: That I divide up and somewhere else I come back together with myself and experience a truly polyphonic relationship: I don’t even know when it is over, when I have listened to music in such an intense-meditative way. Or what I thought about... I haven’t thought at all. I was the tones.


Karlheinz Stockhausen / Карлхайнц Штокхаузен - Биографии, Музыковедение и Интервью - Собрание книг (30 книг) [1955-2021, PDF/DjVu/EPUB, ENG] 

то что держит в этом лучшем из миров, штокгаузен, люблю этот мир, измененные состояния сознания, я не удивлен, фантазии на сон грядущий, философия, цитаты

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