suck you in like cigarettes while hanging you out to dry

Dec 28, 2005 16:34

so it would be nice if shit were balanced
but it isn't
so eh fuck it right?
life is pretty good these days. winter break is treating me well as i hope it is treating all of you. got hooked up on christmas. been spending a lot of time with sara♥, nick♥, justyna♥, and matt♥. i miss the rest of you and it would be nice if you called me for plans -------------->634 8147<---------------- that is my cellular. use it. abuse it. parents are the same. mom = tight as fuck, dad = crazynaziassholetyrantmotherfucker.
things are falling into place somewhat and i'm deciding whether i should embrace it or wait for it to fall apart like it always does. any suggestions?
nah i'm gunna live it up. i'm tired of being afraid of what the consequences are for what i do FOR ME. i'm loving life so i'm going to stop hiding it. no one likes a sullen girl for too long ;)
not really much to say other than Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah (sp? haha)/Kwanza...etc. and if i don't post before then, HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR!
love all around

peace bitch
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