Sesame Street Fic: Five Lessons...

Jan 01, 2010 16:22

This year, I wrote Sesame Street fic for Yuletide. This is, incidentally, the second time I've written Muppety fic and the third (out of six) that I've written for a fandom aimed at kids. Apparently I have a niche? I have a whole post about writing this story that I'll post later today, but for now, here's the story.

Title: Five Lessons Chris Learned From Working at Hooper's (And One He Had To Pick Up At Home)
Fandom: Sesame Street
Rating: G
Summary: See title.
A/N: Written for Yuletide 2009 for
cereta, who asked for Chris/Alan slash in the spirit of the show. Many thanks to Incapricious for beta-reading.

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yuletide, my fic: muppetverse

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