I never did post this here, did I?
Title: Supper
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauder Era)
Word Count: 111
Warning: disturbing implications
A/N: Written for
arionrhod in
mctabby's 5th annual drabblethon, for the prompt "Snape/Lupin, no DH or Tonks 'I neither like nor dislike Severus.' How deep to Remus' feelings go?"
James and Sirius stopped talking. Remus hardly ever shouted.
"I neither like nor dislike him. I just don't want to go to Azkaban for killing him. Get that through your thick skulls, would you?"
Sirius sputtered. "You wouldn't- I-It was just a prank, Remus. Dumbledore understood."
"And I'm lucky it was up to him and not the Wizengamot, aren't I? Leave me alone."
James grabbed Sirius' sleeve and dragged him away. Remus sighed. It was time for dinner, but he couldn't stomach the idea of eating anything more than some veg. He'd been so close to Severus that night and even now, the wolf inside craved a taste of meat.
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