NYC Day 5: Intrepid and Wicked

Jul 04, 2012 08:40

We've been having pretty lazy mornings all week. We lounge a bit when we wake up, then go down for breakfast, compliments of the hotel. Though we do find it's better to go down earlier than later, as it seems most people are having lazy mornings!

Mark saw that we weren't too far from the Intrepid, and he is very much into boats and planes, so we decided that would be an interesting adventure for our day. We walked over and got the basic tickets for the Intrepid aircraft carrier and the Growler submarine. Mark was disappointed that the Space Shuttle Enterprise wasn't ready for tours yet. We could see where it was being stored and prepped, but the exhibit doesn't open for another tow weeks.

We went up into the Intrepid and it was pretty interesting. The hangar level had some interactive displays. The air conditioned air has been bothering Clare a little, and she got her second nosebleed of the trip. She was a bit embarrassed about it, but it's not like it's something she can control, and we got it stopped fairly quickly, once we found a bathroom.

Then we walked up through the flight deck, and we know that Clare can't live on a boat, because she found the narrow hallways quite claustrophobic. She handled it well, but we decided that she probably wouldn't survive the tour of the submarine! We went out on the bow, and it was shaded nicely and we looked out at the harbour, which was nice.

Up on the flight deck, the sun was reflecting off the top quite a bit. Mark and I have sunglasses, but Clare found it almost too bright, on top of the heat. The planes were cool to look at--I liked the Top Gun plane the best!

We went back down to the dock. We were going to try the submarine, but after Clare's claustrophobia and looking at the long line to get in, we decided it wasn't worth it. Clare found some pigeons to watch and took lots of pictures of them. Then we went down to where the Concord was and sat under its wings and had a nice cold drink by the water.

We stopped for lunch at a little deli on the way back and then took a couple of hours to rest in the cool hotel room before we went out for the evening. We looked up an Italian restaurant on Yelp, and then grabbed the subway up one stop to the Gershwin theater. We ended up not being able to find the restaurant we wanted, but there was an Olive Garden right there, and that's always good, so we went there for supper instead.

Then we walked up to go see Wicked. And it was amazing! I love the music from the show (I have the album already), and seeing it live was amazing. Clare was enthralled too. I think Mark enjoyed it but musicals aren't really his thing. Randy from Say Yes to the Dress was in the audience and got his picture taken many times. A minor celebrity siting, but it's always exciting to see famous people.

We decided to walk back after the show instead of taking the subway. We walked down through Times Square and it was packed with people. Unfortunately, Clare doesn't do well with a lot of people. We had the high from Wicked for the first couple of blocks, but then she shut down, between the people and the heat, and was not happy. We walked over a block, to get away from the crowds a little, but she wasn't happy again until we got into the air conditioned hotel, in our room.
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