Nov 03, 2006 15:37
So I think I caught whatever cold is going around. Katy's description of what was wrong with her seems familiar. Can't call in sick to work, and I have my work baby shower this Sunday. Throat hurts, can't get a deep breath, dry unproductive cough, and the persistent feeling that I'm about to develop a fever. I've had that "I'm starting to get sick" feeling for three days now without actually transitioning into "sick as hell" quite yet.
I had a short day today, 7 hours; but it was busy as hell and the drive through bar broke down during the day, making it even more excruciating. And of course, we were scheduled short during the busiest time, when the bar being broken was slowing us down. Seriously, if it takes twice as long as usual to steam each pitcher of beverage, and people keep ordering varied drinks so we keep having to start new pitchers (soy and nonfat and whole AND apple cider AND goddamn eggnog) it's natural that we're gonna get backed up.
My eczema is acting up again. The first three fingers on my right hand are a mass of tiny little cuts and alternate between itching like I want to die and cracking and bleeding. Cold water helps, but in the long run, getting my hands wet is bad and exacerbates the condition. Right now I'd like to spray novocaine all over my right hand so I can't feel it and hopefully it'll heal on its own.
And the baby is giving me trouble. He's stretching because he's growing like crazy, it's in all the online publications, he's 3-4lbs and about 17" or 18" long now, so he's running out of space. But he keeps moving all over like he's trying to expand his area, which of course does nothing but make me uncomfortable. It feels like he's tossing and turning like I do when I can't get comfortable in bed. And he keeps pushing against my belly button, which actually HURTS. Not short, sharp kicks, but pushes, where the pressure is prolonged. Also, I think I am having more Braxton Hicks contractions, because my entire abdomen keeps becoming a mass of pain and then fading somewhat. Of course, with the pressure from the baby moving, it's possible that it's not BH and is just him moving in a novel and more painful way.
In the baristas lj group, someone posted today about their shitty day where a bunch of people called in and stranded them at work, which is usually a good read, and you sympathize with them and all, and it usually doesn't bother me. It's like "Oh, good, I'm not the only one being abused." But today the girl who posted, one of the people who called in to work is apparently very pregnant and started having contractions, and the girl was bitching because when the pregnant person called in, she hadn't bothered to get her shift covered. Which led me to worry, what if I go into labor early and have to call in, is everyone at my store going to hate me? It seems like nobody wants a pregnant woman to work up until her due date, because they're all worried about "what if she goes into labor and we have to cover the rest of her shifts?" only nobody seems to understand that if you take off BEFORE you have the baby, you don't get paid. I get 8 weeks and 8 weeks only paid leave. At 60% of my salary, not at 100%. So maternity leave involves a pay cut already. I literally cannot afford to take any unpaid time off. That is why I am on the schedule full time until two days before I am scheduled for my surgery. Because I NEED those paychecks.
Anyway, I'm just tired and cranky and needed to vent. Thanks for listening. I'm going to go curl up on the couch and hope to get more comfortable later this evening. Later maybe I will post about this weekend and Halloween, because I really had a good time and want to talk about it, I'm just too tired and sore to do so right now.