Oct 26, 2006 06:56
001. Real Name - Amy
002. Nickname - I don't really have one. Greg calls me variations on Slutty McGee and Pinky when my hair is pink, but everyone else just calls me Amy
003. Single or taken - I'm remarried. I have positive AND negative stories about men!
004. Zodiac Sign - Capricorn, but with Taurus rising. I'm not a typical Cap
005. Male or Female - female
006. Elementary School - The first one I remember the name if was James Hurst Elementary I went to three others before that due to military moves
007. Favorite Color - pink
008. How many buddies on your aim list - LOTS more than I talk to- AIM keeps consolidating my list with everyone else's who uses my computer and I can't remove them
009. Screen name - a69wilder but I'm NEVER online. Even when it says I;m online, it probably means I rebooted the PC and AIM loaded automatically and I forgot to close it.
010. Hair Color - Dark brown, and for the first time in about 20 years it matches my roots. :o)
011. long or short - Short. I keep cutting it off because it annoys me.
014. Eye Color - Brown
015. Are you health freak- Better than I used to be, but I have huge amounts of unhealthy tendencies. I eat badly (high carbs, low protein) I usually smoke, and my caffeine intake is through the roof. Most of my healthy eating tendencies are due to the pregnancy, and even then, it's an effort. The one area I'm freakish about is avoiding fast food. I really seriously dislike most fast foods, in large part because of how bad they are for you.
016. Are your parents still married - Yes. Weird, huh?
017. Do you have a crush on someone - I'm married to him so I doubt it can be classified as a crush, but after 5 years married to my ex I have to admit that it's nice to have a husband I actually LIKE for a change.
018. Do you like yourself - Most of the time, I think I'm a good person. Sometimes I worry about my tendency to be hysterical and anxious
020. Think you're awesome - Not really. I have my good points.
021. Piercings - 7 total in my ears, plus my belly button which has jewelry in it and my eyebrow which does not.
022. Tattoos - 3. I have dragons on both hips (including the "white trash Christmas" tattoo which my sister actually bought for me for Xmas one year. The tattoo is nice, but who gets a tattoo for Xmas?) and what Greg affectionately calls my "stripper tattoo" across the base of my spine, causing me to be horribly self conscious about it.
023. Righty or Lefty - Righty, although every other member of my immediate family is a lefty. My sister is ambidextrous to a point because when she was learning to write, I tried to teach her and I always tried to teach her using her right hand because I was like 5 and didn't realize she might want to use her left hand.
___Your 'Firsts'___
024. Surgery - C-section (after this, everything else kinda pales in comparison)
025. First piercing - Ears, when I was 2, then nipples at like 25
026. First best friend - Cindy Lou something-or-other, when I was 3
027. First Award - Probably something academic when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and they gave out a lot of awards. I didn't win anything in high school except "best supporting actress" in the drama club as a junior, and that was largely political
028. First Sport You Joined - Yeah... I *still* don't do sports.
029. First pet - Sesame, a tabby cat my mom got when I was little. I named him after Sesame Street, my favorite tv show at the time
030. First vacation - I can't remember it, but my parents took us to Disney World when I was 3 1/2.
031. First Concert - That tour with the Monkees and the Grass Roots and Gary Puckett & The Union Gap when I was 11. Then Bon Jovi with Skid Row opening for them.
032. First love - Ricky Kimsey in kindergarten
049. Eating - Nothing. I just had two snack sized Almond Joys though
050. I'm drinking - Nothing.
052. I'm about to - go harass Sydney into a state of productiveness. She's been dressing for 30 minutes
053. Listening to - Sydney giving me excuses as to why dressing should take 30 minutes (this is why we keep our rooms clean- so we can find things!)
055. Waiting For - 8am, when Syd goes to school and I can go back to bed for a few hours before my OB appointment.
057. Wearing - pajama camisole top from Hot Topic and comfy low rise maternity undies. I'm all belly right now. The pajama bottoms were sitting on my bladder and making Xander make me have to pee incessantly.
___Your Future__
058. Want Kids? - I'm 7 months pregnant (planned) and we'd like one more after this one.
059. Want to Get Married? - Never again. This is it. If it doesn't work out, someone dies. LOL.
060. Careers in Mind - Starbucks is serving me well. I'd like to move up and have them pay me to travel around and taste things. Coffee, pastries, whatever.
__Which is better with the opposite sex?__
068. Lips or Eyes?- Eyes. No more wandering eyes for me, thanks. (although it's fun to hear Greg refer to my ex as the "goggle eyed fuckbag")
069. Hugs or Kisses - Generally, hugs. I like being held a lot, and hugs don't tend to lead to situations where we have to excuse ourselves and go have sex. :o)
070. Shorter or Taller - Taller but I'm 5'4" so it doesn't take much to be taller than me. Most of my exes have been about 3-4 inches taller than me.
072. Romantic, Spontaneous - How is this an either or? Greg is both more romantic and more spontaneous than I am.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms - Arms. I've always been about the arms and hands.
074. Sensitive or Loud - Loud. Guys who are all emo and weepy make me want to punch them. A LOT.
075. Hook-up or Relationship - Relationship. I've done hook ups to death. They were always the product of me looking for something I wasn't getting.
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant - Trouble maker- he who hesitataes is lost. Plus, I'm never again going to deal with a man who can't do shit because he wants to do it, and who needs someone else to take responsibility for the things he wants to do but is too ashamed to admit to.
___Have you ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger - Yep
079. Drank bubbles - Uh, as in bubble stuff, the solution you use to blow and make bubbles? Ew.
081. Ran Away From home - Twice. The first time I got three blocks before my father picked me up by the back of the neck and dragged me home, and the second time, I sneaked out in the middle of the night and ended up at my boyfriend's house. I went home three hours later. Not a successful runaway.
082. Broken any bones- Never broken anything, but I've had some horrible sprains. The worst was my right thumb, sustained at my last Norfolk Halloween show. To this day, I don't have the hand strength that I should and occasionally need help opening jars and things that I ought to be able to open alone.
084. Broken Someone's Heart - I sincerely doubt this. It's much more likely that I pissed them off.
085. Been Arrested - No, though I was worried last Saturday when I got pulled over.
086. Turned Someone Down - Best turndown, to the guy who was arrogant enough to flash his penis at me under the table at the little dimly lit coffeehouse where my friends and I spent way too much time when I was 20: "That's not worth struggling out of these jeans for."
087. Cried When Someone Died - Yes, but I tend to cry belatedly. Initially I'm more in shock and tend to take care of details for people. I hold it together and cry later on by myself, for the most part. Sometimes years later. This is why I get really mad when I hear someone criticized for not crying over a death- grief is very personal and you cant judge someone when they don't react like you do.
088. Cried at school - I'm sure I did, although right now i can't recall a specific incident. I graduated in 1990, give me a break.
__Do You Believe In___
089. Yourself- It depends on what's being asked of me.
090. Miracles - Yes
091. Love at first sight - Not love. Attraction, but not love.
094. Magic - Not the traditional kind. I think nature is kind of magical though- how things grow, it's pretty amazing. David Copperfield making the Statue Of Liberty disappear? That's just a con.
095. Heaven - Yes
096. Santa Claus - I *am* Santa Claus
097. Sex on the first date - Not really. I mean, sometimes you get carried away, but for the most part it's a bad idea.
098. Kissing on the First Date - Why would this be a bad idea? Also, I feel compelled to point out that #s 97 and 98 aren't the same kind of believing as the other questions in this section.
099. Angels- Yes
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? The wording here troubles me. Do you mean are there people I'd like to physically be hanging out with, or are there multiple candidates for my heart that I have yet to choose between for someone to "be" with in the relationship sense? Greg's the only person I want to be with romantically, but right now I'd give my right arm to be able to get a little peace and quiet and rest, so in the other sense, I don't want to be with anyone. In the last hour, I've answered questions about whether Leonardo DiCaprio is still alive, discussed the feasibility of sending in 28 apples for the Halloween class party, leaned on Sydney about eating her breakfast and packing her lunch versus asking stupid and/or irrelevant questions, and sent her back to finish drying her hair which was still damp the first time because she kept turning the dryer off to ask me inane questions. Solitude for a little while sounds good.
In other news, I am going to the doctor today for the unenviable task of having more bloodwork done and checking on the baby. I have NO idea when these appointments are going to become more eventful. Must remember to ask the doctor about pain at my incision site and also about scheduling a tour of the maternity ward and establishing a birth plan so that things don't get forgotten when I'm there for my surgery. Greg pointed out to me last night that we had exactly two months before the baby arrives, as yesterday was the 26th. Minor panic attack- yeek!
This morning right before I woke up, I had a dream where this girl came to the door of the house I was in and told me when Xander was going to be born. She told me something about in two weeks I was going to start having contractions, and I laughed at her and told her I was ALREADY having Braxton Hicks, and had been for months (they hurt a LOT sometimes) and she was like "No, you're going to go into labor and have to deliver him in two days." I think my subconscious is telling me I'm tired of being pregnant. :o) If I can hold out for the next 8 weeks, I'm happy. I'm 30 weeks now, as far as my mom was with my brother when she delivered him, and he was in the NICU for two months. So not really ready yet. But I wouldn't argue with Thanksgiving as opposed to Christmas...