Just because things diddn't work between us and you've had cheating gf's before and life has not been kind to you as far as love goes, does not mean you don't deserve to be happy and don't derseve to be loved. You do deserve all of that and more, you must remember that you are a worthwhile human being.
I do wish happiness for you, I hope you are able to say in a clear way to Angie that you like her and she will respond in kind.
Don't live your life fearing of rejection and failure, and always thinking "what if?" From your past experiences you'll obviously know you don't want to let this one go, and to find your true love, it's worth a rejection? I think so. Say something, and you never know.. just find the right moment and everything should be okay.. just have fun finding that moment *hugs*
I'm serious I really don't... you wanted me to comment and so I am.. But hugging you and apologising and "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" isn't going to make it better..
But I can say that I know what its like to feel pain, I know what its like to feel loss.. and we can relate on that level right there.
And as for Angie..
Claim the bitch. Whats the worst that could happen? She could say "No"... big fuckin' deal... her loss if she does.
*big hugs* Wow - scary... best of luck!! I remember you telling me about Gen in the car once, on the way back from Broad Bay. *more hugs* Thinking of you. Let me know how it all goes.
Comments 10
Just because things diddn't work between us and you've had cheating gf's before and life has not been kind to you as far as love goes, does not mean you don't deserve to be happy and don't derseve to be loved. You do deserve all of that and more, you must remember that you are a worthwhile human being.
I do wish happiness for you, I hope you are able to say in a clear way to Angie that you like her and she will respond in kind.
need anything just drop me an e-mail dude. The Gala boys look out for their own.
I'm serious I really don't... you wanted me to comment and so I am..
But hugging you and apologising and "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" isn't going to make it better..
But I can say that I know what its like to feel pain, I know what its like to feel loss.. and we can relate on that level right there.
And as for Angie..
Claim the bitch. Whats the worst that could happen? She could say "No"... big fuckin' deal... her loss if she does.
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