It's October 9. Happy
World Post Day! Read about it
here and then write that letter you've been meaning to write all this time. If you're feeling particularly nostalgic for letter writing days and you love a challenge, consider
52 Weeks of Mail, an idea started by one of the
Etsy Teams, in honor of World Post Day. The idea is to commit to sending one postcard, letter, note or other card once a week for a year. It's a very cool idea, I think, and also a wonderful way not only to support the Post Office but brighten up someone's day. How many of us are secretly (or not so secretly *points to self*) thrilled when we receive something in the mail other than a bill? If you're on facebook, you can visit the page: The Challenge starts today. Grab your favorite pen and get writing! =)
Botanical PaperWorks is offering to mail a free, plantable card, at least one a week for the next 52 weeks, to randomly picked people. If you'd like to enter for your chance at being one of those lucky people picked at random, visit their
blog for the details.
*edited to add Botanical PaperWorks cool giveaway