Nope, me neither. But the folks at the BBC sure are, probably because they're televising it, and London has the next Summer Olympics in 2012. They're so pumped up/worried that they commissioned
this animated video to drum up interest. And I admit, it worked - I really want to see more of the animation. ;-) I know I used to be excited about the Olympics, but so many things have changed since I was a lad: the end of the Cold War, cable and the internet, the (horrible) decision to stagger the Summer and Winter Olympics every two years. Now, it's a footnote to me. Sure, I want our athletes to do well, since many of them have been training their whole lives for this one opportunity, and they're representing our country against the best from around the world, but somehow the whole thing seems... smaller to me, now.
Are the Olympics important to you? Were they ever? Why or why not?