Busy few days here. Fortunately, I have not been not writing, I've just been not posting here. As you might imagine, staring at a computer screen all day at work makes me really not want to stare at a computer screen for the rest of the day at home. Until right now, I had not even booted up my computer since Thursday night, instead writing longhand in a beautiful leather journal that my fiancée gave to me a few years ago. I've also been caught up in Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, which is very definitely worth the read so far. Chabon has a real knack for folding information into a story and for making you deeply care about his characters in just a few sentences.
Yesterday, I gave plasma (in return for $50), and since it was my first time, it took about 5 hours from start to finish. Most of that time was spent in a waiting room, so I got a lot of scribbling and reading done. Unfortunately, my left arm has crap for veins and I'm right handed, so I couldn't write in the blood chair.
Today is Father's Day and I'll be keeping our new tradition of attending a Rockies game with my brother and father today. This means that there will probably not be any further writing today unless I can sneak it in in the tiny periods of downtime OR am not completely sun-drained at the end of the day.
Now, on to the numbers for the past few days:
Days: 3-5 (June 17-19, 2010)
Project: Grandfather Klaus (Novel)
Words Written: 792 (of 1039)
Scheduled Hours: 8
Hours Spent With Butt In Chair: 12
Time Spent Writing: 6 hours
Pieces Finished: 0
Pieces Submitted: 0
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Aquilupa Atelier