
Jun 02, 2009 22:11

I was just trying to reply to a post in another group, but because I am not a member it won't take my reply.  Fine.  I'll just post it here.


If I hear that "women submit to your husbands" verse one more time from my parents I will strangle them. I'm not even ENGAGED yet, for crying out loud.

My reply:

"Women submit" used to infuriate me as well. But after being married for 14 years I have a different understanding of the phrase. It's hard to explain. It take it literally now. But the other side of the coin is "Husbands love your wife." Which in reality turns out to be the same "submit" idea. To have peace in a marriage you both submit to each other, and everybody wins.

If your parents know that the phrase makes you angry, then I would think they would learn to hush up. They can take the high moral ground of keeping quiet and thinking to themselves "she'll see what we mean in a few years of marriage." I insisted that those words "submit" not be in my vows and no body argued with me. But now, I understand the word differently.
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