Wow, really alot has been going on since my last update.
1. my room is becoming clean and will be done tonight, enough said.
2. work is going good, and I got a pretty high score on my feedback forms.
3. school is starting up soon and I think I might actually be ready. I am going to go part time and take 2 classes while I work full time. I think that way I can work everything out. This semester I will actually register on time.
4. I am still looking into buying the house down from my grandmother. I really haven't talked about it much, but it is a house that has been vaccent for almost 2 years now and honestly looks like it. It needs a shit load of work, but it is all do-able...They way I figure, I can possibly get the housee of my dreams for real cheap if I can somehow get in touch with the bank and try to figure out why they are not putting it out on the market. That opened up a whole other can of worms, but this time I will try not to get my hopes up about it. I am writing 3 letters today; one to the asset company who works for the bank, one to the attorney who is handeling the forclosure procedings, and one to the bank itself. Hopefully I will get a response back. I have been doing alot of research on this, and people on the web told me this is the best way to go about here it goes...wish me luck.
Here is an image from above5. Me and Lisa are doing real good, real, real good. We went up to Borders over the weekend and went through a book that made me realize a lot of things in our relationship...I really love her.
6. I want a puppy...but I know the time is not right.
7. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that I hear back from fox56 about their website...i am really excited, but I got to make sure not to get my hopes up.
...well thats it for now, time to get back to work