i was tired and it wa late and i was in a bad mood, dammit

Dec 04, 2004 00:11

fballguy220: jesus, im bored to. my response was supposed to be 400 words. its 967
TheDarknessl021: lol holy crap
fballguy220: Disclaimer: If anyone thinks this response is dumb, keep in mind that I actually put a lot of thought into this (it's true, believe it or not). Besides, if Shakespeare could get away with writing a dumb ending, I could write a “dumb”, critical, and long response.
fballguy220: i mention the madden curse, death metal and hardcore, and jafar from aladdin
TheDarknessl021: lol? death metal and hardcore?
fballguy220: i think im gonna rent fight club and "O" this weekend
fballguy220: yeah
TheDarknessl021: explain
TheDarknessl021: i wanna see snatch again
fballguy220: i said its similar. like, when they're constantly screaming it loses its impact. when everyone constanly dies, it loses is impact, too
TheDarknessl021: oh hah
fballguy220: one growl or scream and one death could be emotional. i said if everyone starts dying you jus start counting bodies like sheep
TheDarknessl021: yeah
fballguy220: cuz serisouyl, in the last 5 minutes or so of hamlet, 5 people die. if you read the summary, it kinda goes like this. he dies, then she drinks the poison, then he kills the other dude, then the other guy dies because of the poisoned dagger, then the other guy dies and tells him to tell the story
TheDarknessl021: haha hat sucks
fballguy220: othello, its like.. a guy is walkingdown the alley. 10 lines into the final act, the guy challenges him to a duel (like homer simpson). they start fighitng, a guy gets wounded and other gets killed. othello's like, fuck this and goes to suffocate his wife. then one guy comes in and kills his wife for some reason, then othello tries to kill someone but fails. he gets pissed and he's like 'what have i done" so he stabs himself and apologizes to his dead wife. then the last guy gets taken away to get tortured and killed
fballguy220: its fucking retarded
TheDarknessl021: lol yeah it is
fballguy220: seriously, such a half assed ending. i wrote that he ran out of ideas, so instead of wrinting something cool he just killed everyone because he's lazy
TheDarknessl021: haha or maybe he was dieing?
fballguy220: i dont know. wtf, he gets famous for writing this bullshit. good charlotte gets famous for writing some crap. what the hell is wrong with people
TheDarknessl021: lol i dunno
fballguy220: anyways, im done ranting
TheDarknessl021: hah good
fballguy220: im sorry, like i said earlier, i do a lot of sitting at home and i just say random stuff for no reason
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