Gardening (what else do I have to talk about?)

May 20, 2010 19:57

In the spirit of "jokes taking on life" what has decided to grow this spring have been potatoes. How did I end up planting potatoes, you ask? I bought a bag of organic red potatoes from Trader Joes that sprouted about 3 days later in my pantry. I cursed at the loss of the $4 for the bag of organic potatoes, and then sliced a few of them in half and let them scab on my counter. I then put them into 10 gallon planters with a few inches of dirt. Every time they get more than about 4 inches tall, I add more dirt.

One of those containers is going to be full pretty soon. Let's see if I get real potatoes. Once its full I have to wait for the greenery to die back and see.

My greens didn't really grow this spring. I have no radish seeds left, and no radish. I think the spinach started sprouting this week, six weeks after I put out the seeds. It's been a weird, weird spring weather-wise.

The asparagus roots have all apparently died. *sigh* I put cantaloupe at each side of their bed so that if they decide to grow sometime this summer, they have the underlying dirt to themselves, but I'm not entirely wasting the garden space. If they never grow, I'll try again next year, maybe by special-ordering one of the more modern all-male varieties that are supposedly hardier (planted Mary Washington this year).

Heck, I've never had problems sprouting peppers in the house before, and they decided to sprout this week, after I'd thrown up my hands and bought seedlings from the nursery. You know, eight weeks after I planted the seeds in the mini greenhouse.

But since the veggies were all depressing me, I went out and got some IL-native tall prairie flower species for my perennial garden.
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