I wanted to give myself some time before I put down on my blog my feelings on the passing of Prince. I started writing this blog post about a week after his death. I got distracted and then totally forgot about it until I came to LJ just now to do another post and the site said it had a saved draft. So...below is a somewhat incomplete post about
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Tonight at the troop meeting, the Scoutmaster gave a very vague and general update about the vote last week about the policy change for homosexual boys. He mentioned the vote had to do with membership criteria, but each boy should talk to his parents about it since the subject was not something he felt he should address
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She has been out of town for nearly two weeks. So, let's get the welcome wagon out for my Love Burrito! FB folks, to see the embedded video playlist, go to http://csberry.livejournal.com/584354.html
Copy this sentence into your livejournal if you're in a heterosexual marriage, and you don't want it "protected" by the folks who think that gay marriage hurts it somehow.
A social contract shouldn't need religious "protection" in any case, but there you go.
If every soldier in the wo-orld Put down his weapon and picked up a woman What a peaceful world this world would be-eee... Redheads not warheads Blondes not bombs We're talkin' about brunettes not fighter jets
you got to give her what she wants when she wants it, where she wants it, and how she wants it. Every doggone time she feels she needs it. What I'm tryin' to say, a woman gotta have it.
I share because I don't feel a need not to share. I think it is probably safe to say that the info is presented with the most tame information first. It then works its way into info you probably wouldn't share with me if the situation was reversed. If you are iffy about reading this, just skip the post...or read and consider it educational
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