Apr 12, 2008 21:18
WOw, i was reading some back entries and it brought back some memories. I don't think I have ever been truly happy. The happiest times in my life is when I felt accomplished, or got ot enjoy the simple things for once. Hanging out with old friends and still being no different the day we left, that's always nice. I'm not really sad right now, more like just not happy.
I think once I became a teacher... became the one thing I have been working towards my whole life, I feel like I have no goals. I feel like now I am just floating through life.
I need a new goal! I just have to determine what it is. I have never really seen past being a teacher. Everything else in schools just doesn't seem to fit what I want to do all that much. Although lately I have really wanted to start a better library/computer program at the school I am working at currently. I think I just love to think of ideas to fix everything, but I am pretty horrible at the follow through. Wow, that one statement could explain my whole life hehe.
So. Goals I am playing with so far:
Become a reading specialist - cuz I don't know a fucking thing about teaching reading, I know what it takes to be a good reader, but if you don't get it I can't help you. So that would be a nice thing to fix.
Just get a district teaching job - but I am too lazy to get all the freakin things you need to apply to the district together again... and again... and again. Maybe one day.
Maybe my life will be less boring when I have my baby. I am sure I will be way too busy with all that to notice that I don't have anything to fill my time.