Jan 06, 2005 01:46

We won trivia!!! yay. Chip Liz Kevin and I had the most amazing conversation ever with an older man at Diggers tonight post-trivia. I am sad for those who were not a part of this because you missed out on a barrel full of laughs and then some. Then it was off to Liz's house where the four of us put together jigsaw puzzles. Ah, what dorks we are. 761 pieces including I spy, the ocean, and looney tunes. We watched elimidate, and an add for a gay dating hotline which was a bit...odd?

Things are up and down for me a lot lately. Happy here, sad there. I'm going through a lot of changes right now. They will be good soon enough but the transformation is always a difficult one. I let go of a lot of standards that I used to uphold for myself and I am trying to work on getting back there. I'm trying to flush out everything that is damaging to me, trying to take control. I am trying to come to the realization that there are a lot of wonderful people around me who want to be my friend and that I need to take advantage of that. I want to read more, study more, dance harder.

Anyway, i think its time to drift off to dreamland. Lenox con Kevin manana.
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