My life is so hectic. Work work work work work. I feel like thats all I am doing, and I guess its not a bad thing, but i wouldnt say its a particularly great thing either. If I'm not working, then I am exhausted and don't feel like doing anything or talking to anyone. I just want to be home, sleeping, relaxing, completely wasting my day. I worked a double saturday, a double yesterday, i work everyday but thursday this week (because i have another obligation) including two doubles. maybe more. I was supposed to have today off, but i wound up picking up someone else's shift. Oh well, it will make me happy when i get to spend all of this money. I've already made enough to pay off my sigma dues for next year, so from here on out its my money - thats pretty cool.
Friday after work I went to Jessica's graduation. It was a nice little country graduation outside (can you say hot as balls?). Afterward was the typical gathering of family and friends at her house. It was so nice to see her again, I really do miss her. We've gone our separate ways, different circles of friends, different interests etc. Nonetheless I miss her tons. Seeing her was great. We cried, and laughed and hugged whole lots. Hooray.
What else you ask? Well, I suppose the biggest news of all. It is no longer just something we are talking about. I have a surgery date - June 3rd. Thats right, your eyes deceive you not, Emily will be a new woman as of June 3. One week and three days from now. Anybody who would like is free to come visit me afterward. I've got Jessica and some really close people coming to visit on the 4th and will probably be fairly exhausted, so I'm thinking the 5th or after for others. I'm really really excited, but extremely nervous all at the same time. Anyone who knows me knows how well I do with surgery and needles (ha!). My pre-op is 7:45 this thursday, and the have to take blood - ahh, I hope I make it. Hopefully they will give me good drugs to take the night before surgery, otherwise emily will be a mess.
I spilled bleach all over myself yesterday at work. I was carrying it, and it was open, and it sloshed =( Ruined my shirt and my apron and my pants. I already got a new shirt and apron from my manager - hooray. However, I must replace the pants which makes me very sad. Oh well. I didn't realize black turns hot pink when its bleached. I kinda wanna do it all over the pants though, it looks kinda neat.
Holley inspired me to redo my layout on my journal. Check it out if you get a chance - lemme know what you think. Guess thats about all for now. Not doing much doesnt give me a whole lot to write about. Love yah all.