Petsitting Bo and Biscuit

Apr 02, 2011 16:33

Did some much needed petsitting for Bo and Biscuit this week. I say much needed because I get to see a different side of them at home that reminds me they're not all that crazy. They're sweet cuddle monsters inside the house.

BoBo McChubs (his registered name) striking a sexy pose.

Had some tea while cuddling with Bo and watching tv.

I bought a loose leaf tea straw from the co op last week. It's da bomb!!! ("Clueless")

Did my nails.

And cuddled some more.

It was nice staying with them. I slept on the couch with the tv on cus I was alone, but I loved it cus it's better than my tiny Terri-cluttered apartment.

pet sitting, b&b

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