Nov 30, 2004 13:32
So yeah its really really cold out side right now and its frezzing in my house!!! The man just came and turned the heater on and now its starting to warm up finally!!:) So yeah today i have to go and pick up ashleigh from school and then go and pick her brother up from home and take him to the doctors cuz he is a lil sick well i mean really sick but never mind you get what im sayin.. so yeah ashleigh just called me and she is at school so yeah i guess someone thought she was ditching so they rated her out thats not cool cuz she wasnt so they are lieing... so yeah i am going to have to go and find my grandma something for her christmas present but im not sure what to go and get her so i am going to have to think fast cuz she is leaving tomorrow :( im kinda sad she is going to be gone forever!!!! well 2 months is a long time if you ask me!! well i am just writing to up date but yeah i have to go and finish getting ready so i can go pick ashleigh up from school so i will talk to you all later on. love always