Okay, here are some fun facts about me most people do not know.
I am not a republican, or a democrat. The following comments are an IN GENERAL view of the two major parties, I realize that not every republican or democrat acts this way but the GREATER MAJORITY do.
IMHO Republics are conspiracy theorist hypocrite nut cases who typically seem to be pretty damn dumb.
IMHO Democrats seem to be insane control freaks who care more about trees and pets then people.
Typical Republican rallying cry: “Save America” this group tends to thrive on fear. They like being sensationalist and apparently getting ass raped in the last election because America is TIRED OF THEIR STUPID OMG THEY ARE ATTACKING AMERICA cry to EVERY proposed change EVER, didn’t teach them a damn thing.
Typical Democrat rallying cry: “How can the government fix ______” These morons seem to think that the solution to everything is laws, rules, and taxes. They have NO self responsibility, they do not want to think for themselves. They want big brother to think for them.
I am an independent, I place my vote based on my knowledge of the candidates and causes.
My stand on some key issues:
Gay rights - I believe America has learned NOTHING from our past. We subjugated the Indians, the Mexicans, the blacks, the Chinese, the Japanese, and now we are moving on to oppression against all races based on the sole fact they are different then how we think they should be. Where are you people coming from? What the hell.
For you bible thumping idiots - do you not read your own text. The only person supposed to be casting judgment on a person IS YOUR GOD. By running around throwing your beliefs out there you are violating your own damned religion. Turn the other cheek dumbass, if the gay person is not trying to marry you WHY IS IT YOUR CONCERN!? You are not the supreme being sent here to cast judgment. You are a peon of your own god, your job is to live your life as morally right as your bible dictates not try to live other peoples lives for them. But heres a good one for ya, god doesn’t make mistakes. So then, god MADE GAY PEOPLE.
For you idiot republicans running around crying foul at the ‘assault on the sanctity of marriage’. Excuse me, where is the separation of church and state here? A marriage is a legally binding contract, nothing more, nothing less. If Christians and Catholics don’t want gay people getting married in their churches THAT IS ACCEPTABLE. It is COMPLETELY AND WHOLEY unacceptable for the government to tell a consenting adult that he or she cannot enter into a contract with ANOTHER consenting adult because of gender of the people involved. Hell doesn’t that somehow fall under the Equal Opportunities clause? The government needs to keep its grubby hands off who I do and do not love. I am not gay, but this is wrong. Its is NO DIFFERENT then when it was illegal for a white to marry a black.
For you democrats thinking ‘civil unions’ are a good option. Really? How about if I say you can’t have a driver’s license because you know, your eyes are blue, but here you can have this sorta drivers license. Its almost the same thing except it’s not, but hey you don’t care as long as you can drive right, because it doesn’t bother you at all that your license is different because some people do not like your eye color.
It is not the governments job to preserve the ‘sanctity’ of marriage. It is not their job to bestow their morals upon other people. And what is this sancity that everyone keeps blabbing about? Is that the right to get married to someone for 72 hours then divorce? Or to run off to some foreign country to fuck a mistress. Is this what we are preserving?
Cryz final take: Every damn person alive has the right to marry any one they want whom is a consenting adult. End of story.
Obama’s Birth Certificate - Are you people on crack?! Do you realize how ridiculous you make your ENTIRE PARTY look when you idiots huddle together and disregard the fact that the president has shown his birth cert, that it is found in the Hawaii records, that there is a newspaper announcement from the year and date he was born, and spew out how he is an illegal alien ? Do you realize you people are the reason REPUBLICANS LOST. Because most of America think you are CRAZY. You surround yourself in lies and hold your hands up and go LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU whenever someone tries to tell you how wrong you are. GROW UP.
http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp Obama Health Care - I am both for and against it. I am for some provisions that would remove the ability to deny people. I am against the public option. I won’t get into it too deeply that’s where I stand on the issue.
Gun rights - I am all for people owning handguns and rifles, this is fine. There is absolutely no reason once-so-ever for someone to own an armor piercing assault rifle. None. This is the same as saying you can have TNT so why not a nuclear bomb.
Environment - I am for the environment. I think we need to do more to protect it. I think a lot of Americans do not understand how serious the damage we are doing is.
Bailouts - I supported the movement to save the American car industry, regardless of what people say the car giants were not hit by bad sales, they were hit by the banks. The banks stopped lending, no one could buy a car. I do not think the bail out of the banks that caused this should have happened. But I did and still do support helping the crippled car industry. They did not cause the mess that swept them. The banks did. People do not understand the amount of jobs leaning on the car industry. You have the autoworkers, the people who make the parts, the people who make the pieces that go to the parts, the people who transport all that, the people who originally mined or baked up the goods that went into the pieces to make the parts. We are talking MILLIONS OF JOBS.